[Nulled Theme] Listing Manager Pro - Directory Theme for WooCommerce





Please take a minute and read these information BEFORE purchase

  1. Read the documentation
  2. Minimal required PHP version 5.6, recommended 7.x
  3. WooCommerce plugin is required to run Listing Manager.
  4. Knowledge of WooCommerce is required.
  5. You can find almost all answers in WooCommerce documentation.
  6. All settings are stored in WordPress customizer

Listing Manager Pro – Directory & Listings Theme for WooCommerce

Listing Manager Pro is directory WordPress theme completely based upon the WooCommerce. You can start your directory website in no time. Theme is extending WooCommerce products and adds new product types called “Listing” and “Package”. From now you can add new listings in the same way as you were adding regular WooCommerce products.

The main benefit of building your new directory website upon the WooCommerce is that users workflows on backend remains same. If you know how to add WooCommerce product you know how to create new listing. This approach allows to extend directory website by the plugins supporting WooCommerce. Have you ever wanted to use in your directory payment gateway which was developed only for WooCommerce? From now you are not limited.

If you are looking for stable solution which has high quality codebase, you are on the right place. Find good developers and use this theme as the starter framework for your new business. You will get great value for a small price. Theme has tons of WordPress features and template engine which allows you to extend the functionality as needed.

Create Directory Platform

With the Listing Manager Pro you can create robust directory website by using the knowledge of WooCommerce and WordPress. For all WooCommerce experienced users the UI will be familiar and easy to use. By using the WooCommerce as a cornerstone you can start building complex websites. All skilled developers will be happy to work theme because all code is well structured and of course easy to extend via WordPress filters and actions.

Deep WooCommerce Integration

Listing Manager Pro is robust theme focusing on the deep integration with the WooCommerce. All listings, packages, micropayments are special WooCommerce product types. Such an approach allows us to create directory solution reusing best features of well know e-commerce plugin. From our point of the view, the best thing is that is not required to reinvent the wheel and users can use the WooCommerce cart, checkout and third party plugins to create directory websites.

Front End Forms Field Builder

Create custom front end submission forms for the directory website within admin area. All front end forms are divided into three custom post types: forms, fieltsets and fields. Multiple fields are bundled into fieldsets and fieldsets are assigned to custom form. So users are able to select listing form before adding the submission. Please note that the field builder is for the front end forms. These options are not applied for form in admin area.

Listing Product Type

When creating new product set the product type to “Listing” and new fields will be available. We added location, address, contact, social, event and many other fields.

Front End Submission

Core functionality of this directory theme is to allow users to post their submissions from the front end. It is not required to allow access to WordPress back end to post the listings. Plugin has dozens of predefined custom fields. If you want to just reorder, remove or add new field it is not problem at all. Listing Manager Pro is incorporating field builder so you can change all fields without touching the source codes. Of course theme has WordPress filter for that so if you are experienced developer you can implement you own business logic for front end fields.

Google Maps

In Listing Manager Pro it is possible to use Google Maps by using shortcode or widget. Maps are containg serveral interesting options. It is possible to defined own custom filter structure, flexible toolbar, redirect URL, show all markers, autosubmit, live filter on the map, zoom, button text, height and so on.

WooCommerce Memberships Support

By selecting “Memberships” option in “Customizer – Listing Manager Submission” you enable WooCommerce Memberships support in plugin. You can create you own plans. Plugin supports max. number of listings per plan. There are no other options but if you are looking for something certain, feel free to contact us. Please note that WooCommerce Memberships not WooCommerce Subscriptions plugins are NOT part of the package and you must purchase them.

Package System

Easily create unlimited amount of packages and allow your users to purchase the package which fits their needs. Again the package is special WooCommerce product type called “Package”. After selecting this product type on edit screen, package related fields will appear. Package is added into cart and then user must proceed the checkout. When the package is going to expire, user will be notified about package expiration and then it is possible to extend package duration.


By using micropayments you can easily monetize your website. It is possible to create three types of micropayments for publishing the listing, making it featured and claiming the listing by user. All micropayments are just regular WooCommerce products with the special product type “Micropayment”. After creating the micropayment it is just required to assign proper product in “Customizer – Listing Manager Micropayments”. Paying for this transaction is exactly same as you are purchasing regular WooCommerce product so the microtransaction is added into cart and user is required to proceed the checkout.

Claim Listing

Users are able to easily claim each listing, if it is not already claimed. After the sending the claim request, it is completely up to the site admin to approve or decline the request. For the claiming of the listing we created micropayment so in Listing Manager Pro you can charge your users for claiming listing.

Favorite Listings

Plugins supports to favorite the listings. Functionality is bundled right in the core. Users will be able to easily collect their favorite listings and then check them on the front end. The front end list of favorite listings is handled by shortcode. Users must be authenticated to favorite listings.

Report Listings

Allow users to report listing which is breaking the rules. Admin approval is always required to accept or decline report query so you don’t have to worry about automatic unpublishing listing from false reports. Report listing functionality is available only for authenticated users.

Real Estate

We developed real estate specific functionality for Listing Manager Pro. You can add your properties, assign location, categories, set the contract and so on. There is no problem to map properties to agents and then agents to companies. Everything was developed to bring the best flexibility to create the real estate solution.

Plugin supports: reference number, year built, rooms, contract (e.g. rent, sale, sold), bathrooms, bedrooms, garages, parking slots, home area, lot area, lot dimensions.

Custom Filters

Plugin has over dozen of prepared filters for searching the content. You don’t have to install third party plugins to have advanced filtering functionality. You can still use use some of the famous third party WooCommerce filtering plugins. They will works as expected becase plugin is build upon the WooCommerce.

Custom Listing Review Ratings

Create unlimited star ratings fields for your review forms. You can specify name, number of stars and reguired attributes per each rating. After review submission new average rating is assigned to listing. You can create new ratings under “Listing Manager – Review Ratings”.

Translation Ready

All strings are properly wrapped into translation functions so it is not a problem to translate the plugin at all. You can find translation catalogues under languages folder.

Code Quality Matters

In Listing Manager Pro we are focusing on the code quality so everything is well coded and structured. For the developers it will be pleasure to code new functionality because we are using classes and namespaces for everything so it will be easy to dig in code. One more thing, we are using annotations for do_action() and do_filter().


  • Fully supported WooCommerce, Front end submission, Package system, Claim listing, Inquire form, Login, register, change password, renew password, Google Maps, Event date start support, Contact information, Set listing GPS, Statistics, Branding information, Opening hours, Listing price support, Report listing, Price formatting, Favorite listing, Inquire after login support, Social connections support, Locations & Amenities support, Listing categories and tags, Photo galleries, Pricing tables, Translation ready, Write listing reviews


  • Images on our demo site are not a part of package. Downloadable package contains only placeholders.


Tags: event, map, ad, advertisement, automotive, business, car, company, directory, frontend submission, listing, real estate, woocommerce, classified

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