WeddingTime is powerful One/Multi-page Multipurpose HTML5 Wedding Template that helps you create Wedding / Engagement / Portfolio / Blog / Whatever site best way.
Template includes Onepage and Multipage layouts. A lot of pages and options help you create beautiful and elegant site.
- More then 50 HTML5 Pages/
- 8 Different Home Pages
- 3 Different Footers
- 9 Popular Standart Pages
- GRID Boxed Gallery
- GRID Fullwidth Gallery
- Masonry Gallery
- Masonry Fullwidth Gallery
- Gallery with filters
- Instagram Feed
- Gallery Carousel
- Big Elements Constructor
- 3 Different Contact Pages
- 12 color styles
- 2 Header Types: transparent and white
- 2 Different styles: standart and vintage
- Fully Responsive Pages
- Working AJAX Contact Forms
- unsplash.com
- pexels.com
- Subtlepatterns
We’ve used the following html frameworks, fonts, JavaScript libraries and other files as listed.
- Font Awesome by Dave Gandy http://fontawesome.io
- Animate.css https://daneden.me/animate/
- Jquery http://jquery.com
- JQuery validation plugin for forms http://jqueryvalidation.org/
- jQuery.countdown http://hilios.github.io/jQuery.countdown
- jQuery Waypoints http://imakewebthings.com/jquery-waypoints
- Lightbox and dialog script http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup
- Responsive carousel slider Owl https://owlcarousel2.github.io/OwlCarousel2
- Masonry library http://masonry.desandro.com
- Google Fonts https://fonts.google.com
- InstagramLite http://michaelynch.com
- Subtle Pattents https://subtlepatterns.com