Rumu is a creative personal portfolio or cv & responsive one page template.It can solve all your portfolio problems.It can be used by an individual or a company.This template build with worlds most popular responsive CSS framework Bootstrap 3.3.7, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and so many modern technology. It’s easy to customize and also well documented so it’ll suit your needs.
Rumu Main Features:-
- 3 Different Home variation
- One Page Template
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Fully Responsive Layouts
- Based On Bootstrap v3.3.7
- Clean and Modern Design
- Image Background
- Particle Background
- Youtube Background
- Google Fonts
- Unlimited Font awesome Icons
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Working Contact Form
- Well Documented
- 24/7 Friendly customer support
- And Much More…
Sources and Credits:
You can contact us for support on nababurpro@gmail.comNote: The images used in the template are not included in the main download file, they are only for the preview purpose.