Lancer is a Super Clean and Super professional personal portfolio template.If you are a Designer, freelancer, marketer its only for you.Lancer template build on Bootstrap Latest version.. You can use it for your personal resume, CV or your portfolio Lancer template is written in valid and clean HTML & CSS3 code. It’s Super easy to customize and also well documented so it’ll suit your needs.
2 different Home variation
Two different home variation for you. One is static image and other slider. It will help you to use according to your wish.
Clean and Refreshing Design
Lancer is clean and refreshingly designed with rich typography to deliver the best user experience to users.
Fully Working Forms
Multiple Icon packs and much more… to make it better and Its contact form is Ajax based and fully working
Well commented & user friendly
It comes with clean coding design. It is easy to change all the thing as a developer you want
Feature-rich PortfolioTemplate
Lancer is feature-rich HTML5 Bootstrap Education Template, Built-with HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap Framework for Responsive Layout.
- One Page Template
- Clean and Modern Design
- Fully responsive to give a perfect user experience on all devices
- Built with latest Bootstrap framework,
- JQuery and CSS3 Animation
- Google Fonts used
- IcoFont Icons
- Unlimited Font awesome Icons
- Image Background
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Working Contact Form
- Flexible and well commented code
- 24/7 Friendly customer support
- Owl Carousel
- Smoth scroll
- wow Js
- Pexels
- Google Fonts
- IconFont