Bizcafe is a full package of business Multipage template including busines,agency build with latest version of bootsratp responsive framework.
You can contact us for support on dreambuzz71@gmail.com3 different Home variation
Three different home variation for you. It will help you to use according to your wish.
Multipage version added 10+ pages
10 + page added to make it more usable for your business
Clean and Refreshing Design
Bizcafe is clean and refreshingly designed with rich typography to deliver the best user experience to users.
Fully Working Forms
Multiple Icon packs and much more… to make it better and Its contact form is Ajax based and fully working
Well commented & user friendly
It comes with clean coding design. It is easy to change all the thing as a developer you want
Feature-rich Business Template
Bizcafe is feature-rich HTML5 Bootstrap Business Template, Built-with HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap Framework for Responsive Layout.
File Included
- index.html
- index-2.html
- index-3.html
- about.html
- service.html
- portfolio.html
- blog.html
- blog-single.html
- contact.html
- typography.html
- 404.html
- Fully Responsive
- Multipage Template
- 3different Home variation
- Sharp and Clean Design
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Twitter Bootstrap 3.x
- Google Fonts
- Ico Fonts
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Well Documented
- Cross browser support
- Working Contact Form
Note: All images are just used from pexels just for preview purpose only and NOT included in the final purchase files.