Pronto - Restaurant & Event Wordpress Theme

Pronto is a fully responsive premium Wordpress theme that suits for every restaurant & food websites. It is built with Bootstrap 3 and includes lots of awesome features. It includes Premium Visual Composer page builder, Premium Revolution Slider and Premium EventON Calendar Plugin. Pronto includes Font Awesome in it. You can use the incredible get direction option for your Google Maps too.

It is well documented and has 5 variation of restaurant menus that you can use. 4 header options which you can use as sticky, fixed, transparent and bottom style. It is built with unlimited color options and you can easily change it from powerful admin panel.

It is WooCommerce ready and there are 4 different shop page options.

It has lots of awesome shortcodes, gallery pages, testimonials, appointment forms and much more. Great deal to buy!

What People are Saying About Our Themes



Video and Images

Note: Images are not included in this pack

1.2.8 - 13.03.2017
         * Updated: Visual Composer

1.2.7 - 07.03.2017
         * Updated: EventOn and Revslider

1.2.6 -  20.02.2017
         * Updated: Bundled Plugins

1.2.5 -  15.10.2016
         * Updated: All bundled Plugins
1.2.4 -  06.10.2016
         * Updated: Visual Composer
1.2.3 -  01.09.2016
         * Updated: EventOn Plugin
1.2.2 -  03.08.2016
         * Added: Google Maps Api Key option
         * Updated: EventOn
1.2.1 -  30.06.2016
         * Updated: Visual Composer, RevSlider and EventOn
1.2.0 -  27.04.2016
         * Updated: Visual Composer and RevSlider
1.1.9 -  13.04.2016
         * Updated: Visual Composer, RevSlider, EventON 
         * Updated: WooCommerce
1.1.8 -  09.12.2015
         * Updated: Visual Composer and RevSlider
         * Updated: WooCommerce Templates
         * Fixed: Loader for Firefox Mobile 
1.1.7 -  07.11.2015
         * Added: Hide old events for event slider
         * Updated: Visual Composer, EventOn, RevSlider
1.1.6 -  07.10.2015
         * Updated: Visual Composer (security update)
         * Updated: Contact Info Widget
1.1.5 -  02.10.2015
         * Updated: Visual Composer
         * Updated: EventOn
         * Updated: Revolution Slider
         * Updated: WooCommerce Templates
         * Added: Extra Logo for sticky menu
         * Fixed: Woocommerce Cart-Checkout Caption
1.1.4 -  08.09.2015
         * Updated: FontAwesome Library
         * Added: TripAdvisor social icon to themeoptions
1.1.3 -  02.09.2015
         * Updated: Instagram Widget for Wordpress 4.3+
         * Updated: EventOn plugin
1.1.2 -  30.08.2015
         * Updated: Woocommerce
1.1.1 -  25.08.2015
         * Updated: WooCommerce Templates
         * Updated: Revolution Slider
         * Updated: Font Colors and new options
         * Updated: Caption seperator
         * Updated: EventsOn plugin
1.1.0 -  11.08.2015 
         * Updated: Pronto Theme Plugins
         * Updated: Pronto Widgets
1.0.9 -  03.08.2015
         * Added: Multi Restaurant Menu for Accordion 2
         * Added: VK social icon for contact link
         * Fixed: Contact page css
         * Updated: Visual Composer
1.0.8 -  18.06.2015
         * Added: New Filter Style for Accordion
         * Updated: Security Update XSS vulnerability in PrettyPhoto
         * Updated: Visual Composer
         * Updated: Revolution Slider
         * Updated: Instagram Widget 
1.0.7 -  10.06.2015
         * Added: New Accordion Style
         * Added: New Homepage Demo
         * Updated: Woocommerce 
1.0.6 -  30.05.2015
     * Added: Restaurant Menu font style in themeoptions
     * Added: Font Char options for different alphabet
     * Added: Restaurant Menu Item Order in category
     (please read update instructions)
     * Added: Category desc can be used in classic menu now
     * Added: Style options for topsection
     * Fixed: Classic menu overflow issue
     * Fixed: Yelp icon issue on socials
     * Fixed: Caption background position on blog
     * Added: Row id option
     * Fixed: Shop page filter issues
     * Updated: Visual Composer library
     * Updated: Pronto Theme Plugins
     * Updated: Documentation 
     * Updated: .po and .mo files for translation
1.0.5 -  1.05.2015
     * Added: Filter for restaurant-cafe menu, now you can categories that you dont want to show. You can show hidden categories in another page.
     * Added: Order options for restaurant-cafe menu.
     * Updated: Documentation for Maps and new options in menu
     * Updated: Visual Composer to 4.5
V 1.0.4 - 28.04.2015
     * Fixed: Some minor responsive issues
     * Added: Footer Logo Upload
     * Updated: EventOn plugin
     * Improved: Menu for mobile
V 1.0.3 - 23.04.2015
     * HotFixed: Removed any potential XSS security issues with add_query_arg by escaping it.
     * Updated: OptionTree, TGM Class
     * Updated: Visual Composer
V 1.0.2 - 22.04.2015
     * Fixed: Navbar Toggle margin issue in mobile
     * Fixed: Text logo icon issue
     * Added: Section Title font options in themeoptions
V 1.0.1 - 21.04.2015
     * WooCommerce Template update.

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