SJ Tekmag – A modern Joomla template design for Hi-tech websites. Powered by K2 component and many in-house modules on the homepage, SJ Tekmag would be perfect for any technology news/magazine website or any news portals with high tech context.
SJ Tekmag is built based on YT Framework v3 – our latest Joomla framework, which comes out with many advanced features: short-codes, typography, video, gallery, slideshow, tab and etc. Therefore, you can easily and quickly set up and manage your site.
The template is available with 5 modern color styles: Blue (default), Red, Green, Oranges and Cyan. In addition, SJ Tekmag support for both full width and boxed layouts for different purposes of using. Moreover, your website will be strictly connected with your Twitter account by SJ Twitter module integrated in.
Let’s find out more cool features by visiting the Demo!
- Compatible with IE9+, Firefox 2+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5 and Chrome
- Support RTL / LTR language
- Support various Font Family as well as Google Fonts
- Support many styles for RESPONSIVE Menu: Mega Menu and Moo Menu
- Allow to set JavaScript for Menus, set start/end level and Keep on top
- Support many extensions: SJ Basic News, SJ Carousel, SJ Content Accordion , SJ Module Tabs, SJ Contact Ajax, SJ K2 Extra Slider, SJ Mega K2 News, SJ Responsive Listing for K2, SJ K2 Slideshow, SJ K2 Slideshow II, SJ Twitter, ACYMAILING STARTER , YT Framework Plugin, YT Shortcodes Plugin, SJ Content Related News, SJ Listing Ajax for Content, K2
- Typography and various module variations
- Use Lazy Load for handling large images
- HTML5 Validation
- Support LESSCSS
- 100% table-less design, based on CSS3
- Optimize CSS/JS/HTML/Merge File
SJ Tekmag Template Package
Use this package to install on your current site
QuickStart Installation Package
This package includes template, modules, plugins and sample data. By using this package, you will have a complete site look like demo site.
Extension Packages
Modules and plugins used for the demo.
Detailed documentation to configure template
VERSION 1.1.0 - Released on 27 June, 2015 # Fixed bug: prettyPhoto XSS
VERSION 1.0.1: Released on 01 December, 2014 - Changed template name into SJ Tekmag VERSION 1.0.0: Released on 20 November, 2014 - Competible with Joomla! 3.x - Integrated with K2 component