[Nulled Theme] IT Galaxy - Gantry 5, Business & Portfolio Joomla Template

Galaxy is a modern, business & corporate Joomla template built on the powerful Gantry 5 Framework. It is nice, clean and perfectly coded template that fits almost any kind of website. Galaxy comes with many custom particles that bring some unique features and make the website configuration a real pleasure! We also integrated the UIkit Framework in a very natural way which gives you amazing freedom and possibilities.

Galaxy comes with a strong documentation as well! The video tutorials will help you to configure your website in minutes!

Galaxy Features:

  • Quickstart package Joomla 3.6;
  • Joomla 3.X template;
  • Gantry 5 Framework;
  • Responsive Layout;
  • Unlimited Colors;
  • 600+ Google Fonts;
  • UIkit Framework;
  • Unlimited module positions;
  • Awesome custom particles;
  • Drag & Drop Layout Builder;
  • Drag & Drop Menu Editor;
  • Font Awesome;
  • ScrollReveal.js – OnScroll Animations;
  • Rich Typography;
  • Clean, trending and modern Design;
  • Extended documentation.
  • & so much more…



v1.6.0 (22.03.2017):

- Fixed: In Joomla articles, the title border goes over the image when floating (Left/Right) is used.
- Updated "Content PRO (Joomla)" particle to its latest version. Added a new option in the "Author" field. Now the user can select if the "Author" or the "Alias" should be shown as an author. Wrapped the "Arrows" Navigation in a DIV (g-particle-navigation) for easier styling. Allowed shortcodes to be rendered when the "Text Formatting" is set to "HTML".
- Updated "Gadgets" particle to its latest version. Fixed: Google Map goes outside of the modal container. Fixed: Google Maps scripts are loaded even if the "Get in Touch" functionality is disabled.
- Updated "Logo (Advanced)" particle to its latest version. Fixed: Logo not centered on Mobile devices.
- Updated "OnePage Menu" particle to its latest version. Fixed: Submenus not visible when some of their menu items become active.
- Updated "Content PRO" particle to its latest version. Wrapped the "Arrows" Navigation in a DIV (g-particle-navigation) for easier styling.
- Updated "Companies" particle to its latest version. Wrapped the "Arrows" Navigation in a DIV (g-particle-navigation) for easier styling.
- Updated "Feedback" particle to its latest version. Added "Style 3" option. Wrapped the "Arrows" Navigation in a DIV (g-particle-navigation) for easier styling.
- Updated "Our Team" particle to its latest version. Wrapped the "Arrows" Navigation in a DIV (g-particle-navigation) for easier styling.
- Updated "Pricing Tables" particle to its latest version. Added a new field - "Featured Text". Now the user can type in text that will be shown on the "Featured" table.
- Updated "Main Feature" particle to its latest version. Added fields that allow to display a second button.
- Updated "Features" particle to its latest version. Added "Style 7" option. Escaped the "alt" tag string so it does not break the functionality if/when HTML is used in the "Title" field in the items.

v1.5.0 (23.01.2017):

- Implemented Particle Caching in all particles.
- Re-factored and optimized the code base in all particles.
- Updated "Gadgets" particle to its latest version. Added a new option, "Default Marker", that allows you to select if a marker for the map coordinates should be shown or not. Added a new option, "Dragging", that allows you to select if the map dragging should be enabled or disabled.
- Updated "Content PRO (Joomla)" particle to its latest version. Added a new option in the "Title" field, now the user can select if the Title should be a link or not. Added a new field - "Article Details", now the user can select if and where the Article Details (Date, Author, Category, Hits) should be rendered. Added two unique classes (.g-cat-categoryalias and .g-featured-article) to the articles so they can be used as hooks for applying custom styling for the "Featured Articles" and for each category.
- Updated "Our Team" particle to its latest version. Added "Phone Number" field. Added "Email Behaviour" and "Phone Behaviour" options so the user can specify how these elements should be rendered on the front-end. Allowed HTML input for the "Name", "Position" and "Description" fields.
- Updated "OnePage Menu" particle to its latest version. Added a new field that allows the user to select an icon for each Menu and Submenu item. Allowed HTML input in the "Menu Title" and "Submenu Title" fields.
- Updated "Tabs" particle to its latest version. Allowed HTML input for the "Title" field.
- Updated "Google Maps" particle to its latest version. Improved the JS loading which also resolves a conflict with the "Gadgets" particle.
- Updated "Main Feature" particle to its latest version. Added a new field, "Image Width", that allows you to type in the width of the image block.
- Updated "Video Feature" particle to its latest version. Added a new field, "Video Width", that allows you to type in the width of the video block.

v1.4.0 (30.10.2016):

- Updated the Quickstart package - "Default" outline now inherits its layout from the "Base" outline.
- Updated the Quickstart package to Joomla 3.6.4.
- Updated the Gantry Framework in the Quickstart Package to 5.3.6.
- Fixed: Module/Block Variations not working properly when added from the Layout Manager. Added new Block Variations in the Layout Manager (Title Center, Title Clean and Title Border).
- Updated "Google Maps" particle to its latest version. Added a new option, "Dragging", that allows you to select if the map dragging should be enabled or disabled.
- Updated "Content PRO (Joomla)" particle to its latest version. Fixed: Articles in nested categories show the whole category tree instead of just the direct category.
- Updated "Features" particle to its latest version. Fully refactored code base. Now the "Items per Row" option works with all Styles. Now the user can select an image as well, they are no longer limited to icons. Now the user can enable a button at the bottom of each feature. Added "Subfeature 1-6" fields. Added "Style 6".
- Updated "UIkit for Gantry5" atom to its latest version. Updated the UIkit Framework to version 2.27.2
- Added new SCSS file for the "Joomla Articles" particle styling.

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