Looking for Drag Drop Builder Module ?
Ultra Responsive
Resize your browser on your desktop to see the responsiveness in action or if you have your phone/tablet scan the QR code below:
Customers reviews
Video tutorial playlist in the documentation
- HTML included ($15)
- Compatible with Drupal 7++, easy install for exist drupal installation
- Multilanguage supported!
- Portfolio page integrated with Views module and easy create more portfolio pages…
- Twitter widget, Flickr Widget
- Alot of video tutorials in the documentation.
- HTML5 / CSS3
- Unlimited theme colors via theme options.
- Fully Responsive
- Boxed / Wide Layout
- Retina Ready
- SEO Optimized
- Over 360 Icons
- Premium Drupal LayerSlider
- Video: How Drupal LayerSlider works ?
- jQuery Enhanced:
- Portfolio Filtering(integrated with views, easy settings, or duplicate more portfolios.)
- Responsive Carousel
- Progress Bars
- Responsive Pricing Tables
- Crossbrowser Compatible
- 2 Layered PSD Files
- 01_Home.psd
- 02_Blog.psd
- Well documentation!
- Documentation
Updated Logs:
1 January, 14
Init released.
21 April, 2014
+ Update astrum.css fixed mobile z-index issue + updated drupal core for full profile install to latest drupal 7.27
06, May, 2014
+Updated template.php supported two sidebar and content. (3 coumns) + other improvements.
23 May, 2014
+ Updated modules and drupal core to latest 7.28 for full profile install option.
* Updated drupal core to latest version 7.34 for full profile install. * Other improvements..
- Photos Used in Live Preview:
- All from PhotoDune