[Nulled Template] Togoby - Responsive HTML for Tour Hosting

Togoby – Responsive HTML template for Tour Hosting

Togoby is a HTML template for tour hosting platform that offer you a custom and unique experiences. It also can be used as guide directory. You can also use this template for multiple tour agency and local agency as well


  • Fully Responsive
  • Compatible with the most popular browsers
  • Bootstrap v3.3.x
  • Dashboard Ready
  • Sticky Header
  • 1000+ font icons including font-awesome
  • Login/Register Modal
  • Working contact form
  • Good Page Speed
Prove for Page Test Speed

Page Test Speed

Javascript and jQuery:

  • Main jQuery Libraryjquery.min.js
  • jQuery Migratejquery-migrate-1.4.1.min.js
  • Bootstrap’s JavaScript componentsbootstrap.min.js
  • jQuery Waypoints is the easiest way to trigger a function when you scroll to an element. – jquery.waypoints.min.js
  • jQuery Easing Plugin is a jQuery plugin from GSGD to give advanced easing options. – jquery.easing.1.3.js
  • jQuery SmoothScroll Plugin is experiencing for websites for mouse wheel, keyboard and touchpad scrolling- SmoothScroll.min.js
  • jQuery SlickNav Plugin is responsive mobile menu – jquery.slicknav.min.js
  • jQuery Placeholder Plugin is plugin that enables HTML5 placeholder behavior for browsers – jquery.placeholder.min.js
  • Bootstrap Rating is a jQuery plugin that creates a rating control that uses Bootstrap glyphicons for rating symbols. – bootstrap-rating.js
  • jQuery IntroLoader Plugin is a jQuery plugin for generate animated intro loading pages – jquery.introLoader.min.js
  • jQuery InfoBox Plugin a plugin to customize google map infowindow – infobox.js
  • jQuery Slick Plugin is fully responsive carousel – slick.min.js
  • Bootstrap Modal is a user-friendly HTML5 form validation jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 3 – bootstrap-modal.js and bootstrap-modalmanager.js
  • Ion.RangeSlider is a jQuery-plugin Easy, flexible and responsive range slider with skin support – ion.rangeSlider.min.js
  • bootstrap-wysihtml5 – Simple, beautiful wysiwyg editorbootstrap3-wysihtml5.min.js
  • Bootstrap-select – a jQuery plugin that utilizes Bootstrap’s dropdown.js to style and bring additional functionality to standard select elements.bootstrap-select.min.js
  • Tokenfield for Bootstrap – advanced tagging/tokenizing plugin for jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap with a focus on keyboard and copy-paste support.bootstrap-tokenfield.js
  • Dropzone – is an open source library that provides drag’n’drop file uploads with image previews.dropzone.min.js
  • Bootstrap File Input – File input styled for Bootstrap 3.0 that utilizes HTML5 File Input’s advanced features including the FileReader API.fileinput.min.js
  • Images grid jQuery plugin images-grid.js
  • Bootstrap Touchspin – A mobile and touch friendly input spinner component for Bootstrap 3. jquery.bootstrap-touchspin.js
  • Date Range Picker – A jQuery plugin that allows user to select a date rangejquery.daterangepicker.js
  • Flexdatalist – input autocomplete/datalist plugin for jQueryjquery.flexdatalist.min.js
  • Stickit – A jQuery plugin provides a sticky header, sidebar or else when scrolling. jquery.stickit.js
  • Sumogallery – A beautiful and light jquery fullscreen image gallery with thumbnails. jquery.sumogallery.js
  • jQuery UI Timepicker – a jQuery UI time picker plugin built to match with other official jQuery UI widgets.jquery.ui.timepicker.js
  • jQuery UI – a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Libraryjquery-ui.min.js
  • Moment – parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in JavaScript.moment.min.js
  • typeahead.js – is a fast and fully-featured autocomplete librarytypeahead.bundle.min.js
  • bootstrap-validator – A user-friendly HTML5 form validation jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 3validator.min.js
  • custom.js – customized to jQuery, needed for every pages
  • custom-contact.js – customized to jQuery, used only for contact page
  • custom-create.js – customized to jQuery, used only for offer and request create pages
  • custom-dashboard-guide-info.js – customized to jQuery, used only for guide-detail-setting-guide-information.html
  • custom-detail.js – customized to jQuery, used for every detailed pages
  • custom-faq.js – customized to jQuery, used only for faq pages
  • custom-result.js – customized to jQuery, used for all result pagess
  • custom-datepicker.js – customized to jQuery, used in offered-detail.html, offered-detail-02.html, offered-detail-03.html
  • custom-datepicker-11.js – customized to jQuery, used in offered-detail-08.html
  • custom-datepicker-12.js – customized to jQuery, used in offered-detail-04.html and offered-detail-05.html
  • custom-fileinput.js – customized to jQuery, used only for guide-detail-setting-edit-profile.html

Credits and Sources:

(Note: All images are just for demo purpose only and NOT included in the final purchase files)

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