PRIDE is a single page App Landing page template, build with latest version of bootsratp responsive framework. Use this template to show your app to the world in a better way.The template has well structured code and easy to use documentation give you great experience to customize this template.
Special Features
- Full responsive and Mobile friendly
- Cross browser compatible like IE9+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera
- Bootstrap 3.3.7 support
- mailchimp
- Easily Customizable
- Dynamic contact form with PHP, jQuery validation and AJAX.
- Well Commented Code
- CSS3 animations
- W3C Validate code
- Documented with details
- 24/7 Support
Credits And Sources
- Bootstrap
- jQuery JavaScript Library
- Google Fonts
- jQuery Validation Plugin
- Magnific Popup
- Stellar js
- mailchimp
- YTPlayer
- Animate CSS
Please note: Images used in demo, even they are freebies, are not included in downloadable file. All images are replaced with placeholder