Estekit is a Ultimate & Multipurpose Material Design Admin Theme with a great design concept. Based on the flexible framework Bootstrap and a light popular framework Material Design. Estekit has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with latest jQuery plugins. It is very lightweight, easy and fully customizable that you can perfectly use for any kind of project. With 4 pre-made dashboards that will help you get started.
- Material Design
- Bootstrap
- 100+ UI Component
- 100+ Widgets
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Fully Responsive & Interactive
- Calendar App With cool features
- Contacts App
- Mailbox App
- Flat UI with clean style
- Limitless User Interactions
- Style Switcher & CSS Generator
- Huge Components
- Mobile widgets
- Boxed View
- Modal dialogs with enhanced options
- Tooltips and popovers with options
- Different display options for alerts
- Pagination with styling and sizing options
- Pager with styling and sizing options
- Labels and badges, including styling options
- Tabs and pills components with options
- Collapsible and accordion components
- Nav component with options
- Foldable Navigation with Infinite Levels
- Nice chat UI
- Html Editor (codeMirror)
- Chartjs
- Flot Chart
- jQuery Easy Pie Chart
- Date, datetime, time, date range & rangeSlider
- Multiple/Dual select
- Spinner -Notifications
- Vector Maps
- Basic Form Component
- Advanced Form Component
- Dynamic Table
- Responsive Table
- Advanced Table
- Editable Table
- Font Awesome
- Material Design icon font
- Custom Radiobutton, Checkbox
- Google font – Roboto
- Well structured code
- Free updates and support