[Nulled Theme] Superlist - Directory WordPress Theme

Superlist – Directory WordPress Theme

Superlist is the result of several years of active development in WordPress. Theme is trying to offer best directory experience with all out of the box bundled plugins. With the Superlist you have complete directory solution.

Plugins bundled in theme: Boxes, Claims, Coupons, Currencies, FAQ, Favorites, Fields, Google Map, Google Places, Invoices, Listing Slider, Mail Templates, Notifications, Packages, Partners, PayPal, Pricing, Properties, reCAPTCHA, Reviews, Shop, Statistics, Stripe, Testimonials, Watchdogs

Theme has strong focus on code quality. Everything has its own plugin and proper documentation. It is quite easy to modify theme or the plugin from the child theme because everything is properly wrapped in action or filter hook. Experienced developers will be happy to use the theme. With the good code is easier to create a great and maintable product.

Predefined listing post types

Business, Car, Coupon, Dating, Education, Event, Food & Drink, Hotel, Job, Pet, Property, Shoppings, Travels

Custom fields

Beside of predefined listing post types, you can easily define own fields to match your needs. Created field can be use for different post types, so you don’t need to recreate it for each of them. Every custom custom field is automatically added to frontend submission as well.

Front end submission

Theme has front end submission system for authenicated users. What does it mean? Users can post their listings into directory by logging in. They have full featured dashboad with the listings, profile and password managment. In their dashboard they can manage other stuff too like search queries, favorites, invoices, trasactions, watchdogs and so on. Users are able to see their listing views.

Important notes

  • Users can see their own images only.
  • Registered users have subscriber role.
  • Admin bar for subscribers is disabled.
  • There are no agent or company specific registrations.

Full Dashboard

Regular WordPress users afer sign in have an access to front end dashboard. It is not needed to access WordPress admin to manage listings, check the transactions, print invoices or see the favorite and saved listings. Of course it is possible to to change the profile information (password, profile, TAX information, social connections) from the dashboard as well.

Compare listings

Compare listings side by side in the comparison table. See the difference between their common fields.

Book listings

Add a booking form to your listings and manage reservation requests.

Packages & Pricing

With the front end submission pricing and packages go hand in hand. You can create unlimited amount of packages and then you can assign for how long they are valid, how many listings are users able to upload and the cost of the package. From the pricing table you can link directly to package payment page. Packages offers the free and trial versions so you can offer these great packages to your users too.

Important notes

  • No recurrent payments.

Transactions & Invoices

After successful payment, the system will create transaction backlog for checking the payment details. The unique invoice is created too. Users are able to print the invoice from their dashboard. Administrator can set starting number for invoice ID.

PayPal & Stripe & Wire Transfer

In theme there is native support of well known payment gateways PayPal and Stripe. You can use PayPal account or PayPal credit card payments. There is wire transfer option too.

Important notes

  • Check if your country and currency is supported by PayPal.


By using statistics plugin you can now track all search queries in filters. You can see how many searches per day has been executed, prices search, locations and categories.

Listing views are tracked too. In back end you can see the overall listing views for last two weeks, 10 most popular listings and 10 most popular locations.

Important notes

  • If you are on cheap hosting, disable statistics plugin.
  • On front end theme displays only views number. Charts are not displayed on front end.


Superlist offers a way for publishing the coupons. Users are able to post their own coupons on your directory website through the front end submission system. They are able to set coupon location and category.

What you CAN do

  • Add coupons from front end.
  • Download and print coupon images/PDF.
  • Offer same coupon code for all.
  • Generate random codes for signed in users. You can set max number of codes here.

What you CAN NOT do

  • Monetize posting coupons.
  • Use coupons to purchase packages.
  • Sell coupons.


With the notification system your users will be always informed about their package status. Users will never miss the package expiration. They can follow the listing lifecycle from initial submit to final publication.

Mail Templates

Included mail templates plugin allows to create custom mail templates which can be used e.g. in the notification system. Do you want to add custom signature? No problem at all, just create new post linked to notification action and create your own content.

Claim Listing

If your business is already in directory, you have an option to claim it. Click on “Claim Listing” and fill the form. Admin will receive an email notification with your message. After that admin will get in touch with you and if everything is okay, your claim will be approved.

Report Listing

Did you find something what does not pass the site’s terms and conditions? Click on report and send the message to site admin who will be notified. Report will be stored in database so you will never lose user reports.

Google Map

With the map widget you can show all properties with the assigned GPS coordinates on the map. Widget has a lot of interesting features like: limiting an amount of listings displaying listings from certain categories, current user geolocation, display filter, map filtering, show listings from current taxonomy term od archive page and so on.


  • Horizontal filter

Important notes

  • Theme implements only Google Map.
  • Listings must be stored in the database.

Listings Slider

With the listings slider you can display quite simple slider showing your listings. Slider is responsive and it looks good on mobile devices. Everything what you need for that is to upload image for slider in listing and than enter listing ID in widget.

Listing Detail Banner

On listing detail you have several options how to present the listing. Theme has advanced Google Map support or you can use image or video for presentation. List of available options for listing detail: featured image, custom image, video, Google Map, Google Street View, Google Inside View.

Video Cover

This times the video presentation is the must. Theme containct great widget for promoting your website by using video. You can use mp4 or ogg format for the video with the custom title and text overlaying the presentation. If the device does not support video, not a problem, it will load the default image if set.

Advanced Price Formatting & Multiple Currencies

Theme allows to set default currency with the advaced formatting options. You are able to set thousands and decimal separators, currency code, currency symbol and so on. It is possible to define more that one currency which can user change when needed. Exchange rates are fetched from third party API providers.

One Click Installation

With the one click installation you can get the same copy of our demo site. This is the great way how to bootstrap your project and to get familiar with the theme and structure in the fast way. You can see our widget data, customizer settings and all other settings. Please be aware that you will get only image placeholders instead of original images. We reserve the right that some settings could be missing due the programming complexity.

Automatic Plugin Updates

Every bundled plugin is being automatically checking for a new version, so you will never miss any important update.

Import listings

Import property listings from your CSV/XML file into the Superlist theme with free Add-on into WP All Import plugin with support for all listing fields.

Other significant features

  • Custom listing types & fields manager
  • Responsive layout
  • Wide/Boxed layout
  • Sticky/Fixed header
  • Child theme
  • FAQ, testimonials, pricing post types
  • Custom POI icons font family
  • Reviews and ratings
  • Sorting options for listings (price, title, popularity, rating, date)
  • Km and miles support for geolocation
  • Get directions
  • Advanced Google map
  • Google geocomplete
  • Opening hours
  • Dark/Light submenu
  • Prepared color combinations
  • Extended developer documentation
  • SASS for modular SCSS
  • Font Awesome integration
  • reCAPTCHA integration
  • SEO friendly
  • Prepared gulpfile for SASS automatization
  • All strings are properly wrapped in translation function
  • Retina ready
  • Translated into English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, Danish, German, Turkish, Romanian, Russian and Slovak languages


  • Images on our demo site are not a part of package.
  • All settings are in customizer.
  • All plugins used on our demo are free and bundled in the package on ThemeForest.


Tags: directory, listing, listings, companies, business, real estate, event, restaurant, automotive, pet, dating, job, coupon, hotel, travel

Update Log

Version 2.8.0
31. January 2017

- FEATURE: new video tutorial: How to create custom listing types in WP admin - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZeWFKhsSZU
- FEATURE: simple booking functionality
- FEATURE: option to show featured listings as first/on top in the list
- FEATURE: sublistings/related listings (parent-child listing relationship)
- FEATURE: Rich Data/Snippet formatting (Google Structured Data Testing) for Events
- IMPROVEMENT: option to hide sublistings from archive pages and listings widget
- IMPROVEMENT: filter automatically finds GPS coordinates if geolocation is set
- IMPROVEMENT: Geolocation filter field looks up for regions only
- IMPROVEMENT: .listing-column-image changed to anchor
- IMPROVEMENT: option to change listing author directly in the WP admin
- IMPROVEMENT: option to set image for a location
- IMPROVEMENT: option to set alphabetical order of listings in widget
- IMPROVEMENT: pending listings count in WP admin menu
- IMPROVEMENT: responsive compare table labels
- IMPROVEMENT: option to remove listing from comparison
- IMPROVEMENT: inventor_google_map_ajax_ WP option is not populated if cache is not used
- IMPROVEMENT: improved performance while submitting new listing using frontend submission
- IMPROVEMENT: "View your changes at this url." message when listing is updated
- IMPROVEMENT: removed black stripes from video cover
- IMPROVEMENT: watchdogs show translated filter values of listing type, location and category
- TWEAK: WP filter inventor_metabox_field_enabled applied in Dating post type
- TWEAK: WP filter inventor_metabox_field_name applied to Shopping post type
- TWEAK: WP filter inventor_metabox_field_type applied to Shopping post type
- TWEAK: WP filter inventor_metabox_description applied to date and time metaboxes
- TWEAK: helper template section-children-listings.php
- TWEAK: helper function Inventor_Query::get_children_listings()
- TWEAK: helper function Inventor_Post_Types::get_metabox_field_value()
- TWEAK: helper function Inventor_Post_Types::is_child_listing()
- TWEAK: helper function Inventor_Post_Types::is_post_listing()
- TWEAK: helper function Inventor_Post_Type_Event::get_timestamps()
- TWEAK: checking if metabox exists in submission process
- TWEAK: inventor_metabox_field_attributes WP filter applied to property fields
- TWEAK: updated .pot catalogs
- TWEAK: updated Slovak translations
- FIX: Undefined index in class-inventor-post-types.php fix
- FIX: current listing is not shown in "Similar listings" widget
- FIX: fixed German translation
- FIX: fixed iteration of non-array in generic section template
- FIX: responsiveness fix of boxes component
- FIX: fix for search queries graphs of locations and listing categories
- FIX: fixed watchdog value in admin list
- FIX: changed watchdog title in admin list
- FIX: minor CSS fixes and some improvements
- FIX: fixed listing title and buttons visibility above map banner
- TWEAK: new demo content

New WP filters:
- inventor_after_login_page
- inventor_after_register_page
- inventor_listing_featured_image

New WP actions:
- inventor_booking_created

New WP shortcodes:
- [inventor_booking_detail]

Version 2.7.0
14. December 2016

- FEATURE: compare listings
- FEATURE: favorite collections
- FEATURE: Geolocation filter field works outside Google map too
- FEATURE: similar listings option in the "Listings" widget
- FEATURE: endpoints for WordPress JSON REST API
- FEATURE: nightly opening hours (for example from 10:00 – 01:00 next day).
- FEATURE: address in map at listing detail page
- FEATURE: current location marker
- FEATURE: information about missing package permissions in the metabox description
- IMPROVEMENT: worstRating and bestRating in the Google Structured Data
- IMPROVEMENT: video embed script is not loading if not necessary
- IMPROVEMENT: pagination in author detail page
- IMPROVEMENT: support of favorite listings for WordPress multisites
- IMPROVEMENT: number of listing views are handled using visitor (cookie) data
- IMPROVEMENT: responsive improvement
- IMPROVEMENT: all listing categories displayed in the listing banner
- TWEAK: Inventor_Post_Types::get_attributes() takes ignore_skipped argument
- TWEAK: refactored filter form template
- TWEAK: escaping field value moved from generic template to core inventor functionality
- TWEAK: WP filter inventor_metabox_title takes $post_type argument
- TWEAK: WP filter inventor_metabox_description takes $post_type argument
- TWEAK: WP filter inventor_filter_query renamed to inventor_filter_query_ids
- TWEAK: helper function Inventor_Post_Types::opening_hours_day_names()
- TWEAK: helper function Inventor_Post_Types::opening_hours_for_day()
- TWEAK: helper function Inventor_Price::format_price() takes $currency argument
- TWEAK: Inventor_Properties_Logic::get_price_comparison() takes optional $post_id argument
- TWEAK: refactored opening hours
- TWEAK: updated .pot catalog
- TWEAK: updated Slovak translation
- TWEAK: applied inventor_listing_actions WP action
- TWEAK: support for inventor_filter_query_ids
- TWEAK: support for marker content in simple map
- TWEAK: disabled mapescape due to new Google Maps mobile UX
- TWEAK: inventor_metabox_field_enabled WP filter applied for property fields
- TWEAK: support for inventor-compare plugin
- TWEAK: new demo content data
- FIX: fixed row/box filter switcher
- FIX: fixed notice while filtering by taxonomy multicheck filter fields
- FIX: element of .listing-column-bottom-title changed to prevent validation errors
- FIX: single step submission minor fix
- FIX: minor CSS fixes and some improvements
- FIX: IE11 fix

New WP widgets:
- Collections

New WP shortcodes:
- [inventor_compare]
- [inventor_favorites_create_collection]

New WP filters:
- inventor_statistics_timeout
- inventor_google_map_use_cache
- inventor_google_map_infowindow_category
- inventor_listing_category_name

New WP actions:
- inventor_register_form_fields_before
- inventor_register_form_fields_after

Version 2.6.0
04. November 2016

- FEATURE: package permissions of custom metaboxes
- FEATURE: single step submission available
- FEATURE: Image Slider widget
- FEATURE: Listing Types widget
- FEATURE: inventor-ui-kit plugin
- FEATURE: masonry blog display
- FEATURE: masonry display in recent posts widget
- FEATURE: phone field type
- FEATURE: The Open Graph Protocol title and image
- FEATURE: option to pick best rated listings in the Listings Widget
- FEATURE: option to pick most viewed listings in the Listings Widget
- IMPROVEMENT: post type argument in inventor_listing_type_icon WP filter
- IMPROVEMENT: coupon number fields validation
- IMPROVEMENT: refactored filter form widget fields
- IMPROVEMENT: option to define chained select depth using 'chain_depth' field attribute
- IMPROVEMENT: default WP user profile fields update when user edits his profile on frontend
- IMPROVEMENT: single payment gateway is automatically checked as default
- IMPROVEMENT: added anchor to listing title in box display
- IMPROVEMENT: option to set "per row" option in the "Listing Categories" widget settings
- IMPROVEMENT: automatic Instagram user URL from user nickname
- IMPROVEMENT: checking of empty contact section in listing detail
- IMPROVEMENT: support of image field in generic section template
- IMPROVEMENT: escapes and sanitizes user's first and last name
- IMPROVEMENT: forced Reply-To in inquire mail header
- IMPROVEMENT: money filter field support of custom fields
- IMPROVEMENT: column items in listing detail attributes are ordered from top to bottom instead from left to right
- IMPROVEMENT: CSS for single step submission
- IMPROVEMENT: cover color option in Cover widget settings
- IMPROVEMENT: values of taxonomy multicheck field are rendered as tags in generic section
- IMPROVEMENT: support for one-level menu widget in complex header area
- IMPROVEMENT: automatically set Unlimited package to admin after One-Click Installation
- IMPROVEMENT: improved appearance of map infowindow
- IMPROVEMENT: image in the infowindow is clickable now
- IMPROVEMENT: font-awesome 4.7
- IMPROVEMENT: Stripe PHP SDK v4.0.0
- IMPROVEMENT: updated Slovak translation
- TWEAK: render_favorite_button function moved to favorites plugin
- TWEAK: removed masonry library from inventor-testimonials plugin
- TWEAK: granted upload_files permission to the contributor role
- TWEAK: post type argument in inventor_listing_type_icon WP filter
- TWEAK: field ID in the custom metabox section field title and content wrapper classes
- TWEAK: field ID in generic section template
- TWEAK: .mp4 class for video-embed-wrapper
- TWEAK: form group class for each filter field
- TWEAK: refactored filter form widget fields
- TWEAK: helper function Inventor_Post_Types::get_icon()
- TWEAK: Inventor_Metaboxes::get_for_post_type() can take array as an argument
- TWEAK: Inventor_Post_Types::count_post_types() renamed to Inventor_Post_Types::count_posts()
- TWEAK: Inventor_Utilities::remove_special_characters()
- TWEAK: WP filter inventor_metabox_title used for user metaboxes
- TWEAK: WP filter inventor_metabox_social_networks takes $post_type argument
- TWEAK: WP filter inventor_metabox_field_enabled applied to user fields and general metabox
- TWEAK: new demo content
- TWEAK: removed demo content of 1.6.1
- TWEAK: removed demo content of 1.9.5
- TWEAK: deprecated Video Cover widget
- FIX: fixed sanitization and escape callbacks of filter lookup
- FIX: fixed Warning message for package listing types
- FIX: fixed listing video section of mp4 files
- FIX: fixed vertical align of logos in partners widget
- FIX: fixed rows/grid listing display
- FIX: fixed some German translations or URLs (resave your permalinks!)
- FIX: "Check your package message" is visible only if inventor-packages plugin is activated
- FIX: empty coupon generation fix
- FIX: coupon expiration date fix
- FIX: fixed map rendering in default closed toogle state
- FIX: fixed accent in the Spanish translation
- FIX: fixed icon anchor in the listing categories and listing types widgets
- FIX: minor CSS fixes and some improvements

New WP filters:
- inventor_inquire_form_subject
- inventor_packages_metabox_permissions

New WP actions:
- inventor_google_map_infobox

- WARNING: Video Cover widget is deprecated, replace it with new Cover widget from inventor-ui-kit plugin

Version 2.5.0
07. October 2016

- FEATURE: option to set maximum allowed number of categories per listing
- FEATURE: option to set maximum allowed number of categories per package
- FEATURE: option to show user address field as a country dropdown list
- FEATURE: working history and experience in resume detail
- FEATURE: custom fields of contact metabox are shown in listing detail
- FEATURE: new customizations section: Inventor Users
- FEATURE: new shortcode: [inventor_public_profile_link]
- IMPROVEMENT: font-awesome 4.6.3
- IMPROVEMENT: message about maximum allowed categories before field
- IMPROVEMENT: option to deselect icon of listing category
- IMPROVEMENT: option to deselect icon of listing type
- IMPROVEMENT: appearance and visibility options for coupons widgets
- IMPROVEMENT: appended listing title to the edit page title
- IMPROVEMENT: excerpt of the listing title in the listing archive
- IMPROVEMENT: excerpt of the listing title in the my listings page
- IMPROVEMENT: tax per item in the invoice
- IMPROVEMENT: coupon icon
- IMPROVEMENT: lexicon ID and listing types in the lexicon list admin table
- IMPROVEMENT: zeros are shown after decimal point in the meals and drinks menu
- IMPROVEMENT: author social networks in author detail page
- IMPROVEMENT: automatic Facebook, Twitter and Google+ user URLs from user nickname
- IMPROVEMENT: new URL to Google Polyline Utility
- IMPROVEMENT: shown only enabled listing types in package restrictions
- IMPROVEMENT: custom section fields allows post tags in their values
- IMPROVEMENT: empty generic sections of custom metaboxes are not shown in listing detail
- IMPROVEMENT: meals and drinks menu sections lexicon is not visible in the menu if food listing type is disabled
- TWEAK: coupon codes moved to right sidebar in admin
- TWEAK: dynamic meals and drinks metabox ID
- TWEAK: "Select/Deselect All" buttons are disabled for listing categories and location
- TWEAK: hook on inventor_google_map_infobox in inventor-favorites plugin
- TWEAK: settings of number field types applied in filters
- TWEAK: refactored code of submission steps
- TWEAK: .term-tree, .has-children, .children-wrapper and .children classes for taxonomy
- TWEAK: added class .listing-detail-section-subtitle to h3 element in listing sections
hierarchical multicheck field
- TWEAK: Inventor_Metaboxes::get_for_post_type() helper
- TWEAK: Inventor_Post_Types::get_max_listing_categories() helper function
- TWEAK: Inventor_Utilities::excerpt() helper function
- TWEAK: Inventor_Utilities::get_countries() helper function
- TWEAK: Inventor_Fields_Logic::get_field_settings() helper
- TWEAK: Inventor_Post_Type_Listing::get_icon() helper function
- TWEAK: Inventor_Post_Type_Listing::get_inventor_poi() is deprecated
- TWEAK: new strings in .pot catalog
- TWEAK: rebuilded catalog
- FIX: lost password URL fix
- FIX: minor CSS fixes and some improvements
- FIX: video banner is hidden on small mobile devices
- FIX: fixed missing listing type icon in submission shortcode
- FIX: fixed accent in the Spanish translation
- FIX: fixed fullwidth components of boxed layout
- FIX: fixed listing video banner of custom files
- FIX: fixed option "1" in non-required fields
- FIX: fixed slug identifier regex for new internet browser versions
- FIX: fixed missing placeholder of custom text filter fields
- FIX: fixed listing slider metabox bug
- FIX: fixed commenting on frontend
- FIX: fixed comment editation in backend
- FIX: fixed German translation
- FIX: fixed taxonomy separator
- FIX: fixed text domains

New WP filters:
- inventor_notify_about_new_user

Version 2.4.0
01. September 2016

- FEATURE: Russian translation
- FEATURE: free WP All Import add-on for Inventor ready
- FEATURE: Google Structured Data Markup of reviews in JSON-LD format
- FEATURE: new header type: complex (menu in separate row)
- FEATURE: new widget area: "Header" (for complex type only for now)
- FEATURE: support for new listing type: Resume
- FEATURE: option to apply for a job with user resume
- FEATURE: list of job applicants
- FEATURE: new notification type: package purchased - for admin
- FEATURE: custom Meals and Drinks menu sections
- FEATURE: support for YouTube and Vimeo URLs in the Listing Video Banner
- FEATURE: support for YouTube and Vimeo URLs in the Video Cover Widget
- FEATURE: support for custom filter fields of text type
- FEATURE: option to disable file upload in reviews
- FEATURE: option to disable pros and cons fields in reviews
- FEATURE: option to set map type in the listing detail page
- FEATURE: submission list accepts listing-type URL argument
- IMPROVEMENT: settings shortcut in the inventor menu
- IMPROVEMENT: lost password URL redirection to frontend page
- IMPROVEMENT: location / region field moved from the bottom to top in the metabox
- IMPROVEMENT: metabox and field filters applied for dating listing type fields
- IMPROVEMENT: metabox and field filters applied for travel listing type fields
- IMPROVEMENT: selected Inventor POI icon in admin has different color and is easier to find
- IMPROVEMENT: opening hours status is not set for custom values
- IMPROVEMENT: link of the taxonomy custom fields in the listing overview
- IMPROVEMENT: address title is not visible if each user address field is disabled
- IMPROVEMENT: improved documentation regarding predefined fields and metaboxes
- IMPROVEMENT: improved documentation regarding custom fields and metaboxes
- IMPROVEMENT: alt text for listing logo
- IMPROVEMENT: applied inventor_metabox_field_options WP filter
- IMPROVEMENT: field ID and metaboxes in the fields list admin table
- IMPROVEMENT: metabox ID and listing type in metaboxes list admin table
- IMPROVEMENT: listing type ID, URL slug and icon in the listing types list admin table
- IMPROVEMENT: field order applies to position in predefined metaboxes
- IMPROVEMENT: updated fields of resume listing type
- IMPROVEMENT: support for bootstrap chained selects
- TWEAK: site_url() replaced with home_url()
- TWEAK: removed condition for Terms of Service
- TWEAK: Inventor_Query::get_taxonomy_tree_value() helper
- TWEAK: Inventor_Utilities::get_term_options() helper
- TWEAK: Inventor_Query::get_listings_by_user() takes new post type argument
- TWEAK: show_option_none is set to true if field is not required
- TWEAK: gateway ID in the gateways array
- TWEAK: removed condition for Terms of Service
- TWEAK: filter sorting options in own template
- TWEAK: inventor_listing_attributes filter takes optional $post_id attribute from now
- TWEAK: removed loop setting for video banner
- TWEAK: watchdog can be saved/deleted only by logged user
- TWEAK: rebuilded .pot catalogue
- FIX: pricing table redirection fix
- FIX: minor CSS fixes and some improvements
- FIX: call to a member function save_fields() error fix
- FIX: wire transfer payments need to be approved by website owner at first
- FIX: fixed responsive of author detail page
- FIX: fixed saving of empty fields
- FIX: fixed translation domain typo for watchdogs
- FIX: fixed plugin dependency
- FIX: fixed claim form admin notification
- FIX: fixed German translation
- FIX: fixed edge cases of chain selects
- FIX: fixed listing type without icon in admin dashboard listings counts table
- FIX: fixed active sorting and order by filter button
- FIX: fixed sidebar in author detail page
- FIX: fixed condition in default package settlement

New WP filters:
- inventor_package_of_user
- inventor_metabox_field_position
- inventor_field_type_taxonomy_select_chain_depth

WARNING for developers: header template was heavily refactored. You will need to rebuild your stylesheet if you are using custom CSS.

Version 2.3.0
02. August 2016

- FEATURE: Romanian translation
- FEATURE: listing type icon
- FEATURE: listing category color
- FEATURE: support for map marker category color
- FEATURE: option to set listing category for specific listing types only
- FEATURE: option to sort listings by date (disabled by default)
- FEATURE: option to filter listings by date
- FEATURE: listing category icon in the box listing template
- FEATURE: listing category icon in the masonry listing template
- FEATURE: new listing categories widget appearance option (cards)
- FEATURE: listings counts dashboard widget in the WP admin
- IMPROVEMENT: user avatar in listing author widget is a link to user profile
- IMPROVEMENT: changed empty label for multicheck fields
- IMPROVEMENT: listing directions link opens in new window
- IMPROVEMENT: Google Map Widget intercepts taxonomy term
- IMPROVEMENT: {listing_url} variable in submission mail body templates
- IMPROVEMENT: {package} variable in submission mail body templates
- IMPROVEMENT: {author} variable in submission mail body templates
- IMPROVEMENT: added package column into user list in the WP admin
- IMPROVEMENT: partner URL opens in new browser tab
- IMPROVEMENT: support for custom empty labels of selectpickers
- IMPROVEMENT: improved design of listing type pickup in submission
- IMPROVEMENT: map field saves address now too instead of GPS coordinates only
- IMPROVEMENT: alt attribute for gallery thumbnails at listing detail page
- TWEAK: removed cmb_taxonomy_metadata library
- TWEAK: Inventor_Post_Types::is_post_author() helper function
- TWEAK: Inventor_Utilities::generate_hash() helper function
- TWEAK: removed taxonomy-listing.php page template from theme
- TWEAK: Inventor_Filter::get_price_range() replaced by Inventor_Filter::get_field_range()
- TWEAK: new strings in .pot catalogues
- FIX: fixed missing property in the theme's supported listing types
- FIX: fix of dropdowns duplicates
- FIX: social connections title is not shown in user profile if there are no social networks defined
- FIX: SSL and cookie fix
- FIX: user pricing table redirection fix
- FIX: empty public facilities or valuation is not shown at detail page
- FIX: German translation fix
- FIX: Turkish translation fix
- FIX: fixed empty FAQs
- FIX: fixed map filtering by taxonomy fields at taxonomy archive page
- FIX: fixed color in watchodgs warning message
- FIX: fixed video cover width for boxed layout
- FIX: fix of stretched partners logos
- FIX: minor CSS fixes and some improvements

New WP filters:
- inventor_metabox_field_types
- inventor_listing_type_icon

New WP filters:
- inventor_order_query_field
- inventor_filter_query_field
- inventor_widget_listings_query
- inventor_widget_listings_order_options

Version 2.2.0
01. July 2016

- FEATURE: Turkish translation
- FEATURE: support for filter parameters of multiple values
- FEATURE: custom user fields
- FEATURE: support for custom filter fields of following types: multicheck, taxonomy multicheck, checkbox
- FEATURE: calculated field: price per area unit (for property type)
- FEATURE: calculated field: average price per area unit (for property type)
- FEATURE: calculated field: difference between average price per area unit (for property type)
- FEATURE: new custom field type: title
- FEATURE: reset password page
- IMPROVEMENT: youngest taxonomy child displayed in the filter while browsing its archive page
- IMPROVEMENT: terms and conditions in registration form open in new tab
- IMPROVEMENT: improvements in responsive navigation and for overflown submenus
- IMPROVEMENT: comments count are not shown for blog posts with disabled comments
- IMPROVEMENT: users can delete their own media files
- IMPROVEMENT: food menu image opens in popup
- IMPROVEMENT: billing details are not shown in payment form if they are disabled
- IMPROVEMENT: support of shortcodes in custom filter fields of wysiwyg and textarea types
- IMPROVEMENT: Inventor_Utilities::build_hierarchical_taxonomy_select_options() recognizes array as selected value
- IMPROVEMENT: updated Danish translations
- IMPROVEMENT: support for CMB2
- TWEAK: removed listing type prefix from field ID
- TWEAK: car details and car color in own metabox functions
- TWEAK: job details metabox in own function
- TWEAK: meals in food and groups have own metabox function
- TWEAK: listing prefix in shop metabox
- TWEAK: option to override translation files more easily
- TWEAK: support for custom payment gateway action
- TWEAK: most recent TGMPA plugin version
- FIX: Portugal translation fix
- FIX: fixed listing slider in boxed layout
- FIX: fixed social section title at listing detail page
- FIX: fix of hidden amenities
- FIX: translation fixes
- FIX: minor CSS fixes and some improvements

New WP filters:
- inventor_filter_query_meta

Update instructions:
1. Update CMB2 plugin to the most recent version (currently
2. Update main inventor plugin
3. Update all inventor-* plugins
4. Update theme
5. For developers: change field identifiers in your custom source code from old pattern listing_<listing_type_prefix>_<field_identifier> to the new one: listing_<field_identifier> as listing type prefix was removed from custom fields identifier. This allows you to create custom filter fields more easily. Database data will be automatically migrated, don’t worry.

Version 2.1.0
08. June 2016

- FEATURE: Portugal translation
- FEATURE: users widget
- FEATURE: support for custom filter fields of taxonomy type
- FEATURE: support for custom filter fields of radio, radio_inline and select type
- FEATURE: floor plans for property listing post type
- FEATURE: default location field type changed to chained selects (taxonomy_select_chain)
- IMPROVEMENT: colorbox for all images
- IMPROVEMENT: link to skype:username?call for Skype social network
- IMPROVEMENT: link to tel:// for phone field value
- IMPROVEMENT: added http:// prefix for website in listing author widget (if not set)
- IMPROVEMENT: notifications for all site admins
- IMPROVEMENT: fallback to generic filter field template
- IMPROVEMENT: improved payment UX for anonymous users
- IMPROVEMENT: little performance improvement of PayPal gateway
- IMPROVEMENT: used inventor_before_listing_detail WP action instead of the_content WP filter in statistics
- IMPROVEMENT: user is redirected to his listings page (if exists) after submission creation
- TWEAK: new helper method Inventor_Utilities:get_site_admins()
- TWEAK: Inventor_Utilities:get_after_payment_url() helper
- TWEAK: public facilities and valuation in own metaboxes
- TWEAK: get_site_admins moved Notifications to Inventor core plugin
- FIX: reloading of Google Map location fix
- FIX: redirection after payment fix
- FIX: fix of blocking reviews of unregistered users
- FIX: removed session id from listing views logic
- FIX: Stripe button visibility changes according to agreed terms and conditions
- FIX: WP admin logout fix
- FIX: typo in prepare payment data fix
- FIX: mapescape CSS fix
- FIX: some translation fixes
- FIX: minor CSS fixes and some improvements

New WP actions:
- inventor_before_listing_detail
- inventor_after_listing_detail

New WP filters:
- inventor_listing_attributes
- inventor_social_network_url

Version 2.0.0
20. May 2016

- FEATURE: German translation
- FEATURE: simple banner type
- FEATURE: new submission type: pay per post
- FEATURE: monetization option: pay per featured listing
- FEATURE: listing types package restrictions
- FEATURE: new map marker style: thumbnail
- FEATURE: list of listing authors ([inventor_users] shortcode)
- FEATURE: author detail page
- IMPROVEMENT: empty form values are not submitted (better SEO)
- IMPROVEMENT: slug is used for location and listing category filter values instead of their IDs (better SEO)
- IMPROVEMENT: currency in price filter fields
- IMPROVEMENT: link to author detail page from listing author widget
- IMPROVEMENT: more social networks in listing author widget
- IMPROVEMENT: social metabox has icons of social networks
- IMPROVEMENT: support for multiple currencies in listing filter
- IMPROVEMENT: support for body classes for Image Cover Widget
- IMPROVEMENT: support for transparent header for Image Cover Widget
- TWEAK: option for developers to filter user listings by status
- TWEAK: support for inventor_submission_allowed_listing_post_types
- TWEAK: map takes bounds argument (for developers)
- TWEAK: new demo content
- FIX: fixed default zoom of listing location at its detail page
- FIX: fixed empty value of some taxonomy fields
- FIX: fix of claim contact email
- FIX: if field with options is required, "None" option is hidden
- FIX: if ordering by rating, search result contains listings without reviews too
- FIX: minor CSS fixes and some improvements

New WP filters
- inventor_filter_params

New WP filters for custom fields:
- inventor_metabox_field_before_row
- inventor_metabox_field_before
- inventor_metabox_field_before_field
- inventor_metabox_field_after_field
- inventor_metabox_field_after
- inventor_metabox_field_after_row

Version 1.9.5
01. May 2016

- FEATURE: no more complicated widget logic conditions, use widget visibility options
- FEATURE: simple packages widget
- IMPROVEMENT: sessions are disabled by default
- IMPROVEMENT: support for cookie storage
- IMPROVEMENT: removed "filter-" prefix from filter fields in URL
- IMPROVEMENT: if filtering by distance (on map for example), closest listings have bigger order priority
- IMPROVEMENT: register, inquire and claim forms preserve data if form is invalid
- IMPROVEMENT: listing author widget is hidden if author profile is not set
- IMPROVEMENT: map reloads markers when geocomplete location is changed
- IMPROVEMENT: improved performance
- IMPROVEMENT: support for Google reCAPTCHA in review form
- IMPROVEMENT: choose listing type step will be skipped for single post type websites
- TWEAK: inventor_metabox_field_enabled filter applies to listing_locations field too
- TWEAK: price filter field use single value instead of 2
- FIX: fixed missing translation strings
- FIX: fixed translation for package expiration date
- FIX: fixed listing type in watchodg lookup
- FIX: fixed redirection url after watchodg removal
- FIX: minor CSS fixes and some improvements
- FIX: map filter is hidden if map is closed on mobile devices
- FIX: fixed share modal on mobile devices
- FIX: opening hours for manual offset fix
- FIX: reCAPTCHA toggle fix in inquire form widget settings
- FIX: fixed missing date placeholder in inquire form
- FIX: inquire form fix
- FIX: banner type fix

- New WP filters
- inventor_visitor_data_storage (options: COOKIE/SESSION, default = COOKIE)
- inventor_metabox_field_name
- inventor_metabox_field_description
- inventor_asynchronous_scripts
- inventor_submission_allowed_listing_post_types

Version 1.9.0
18. April 2016

- FEATURE: Danish translation
- FEATURE: French translation
- FEATURE: listing carousel
- FEATURE: column listing display
- FEATURE: option to save sessions to database
- IMPROVEMENT: category and location filter fields show only children items at taxonomy archive page
- IMPROVEMENT: inventor_metabox_social_networks WP filter applies for user profile too
- IMPROVEMENT: support for inventor_metabox_field_default filter for custom fields
- IMPROVEMENT: support for inventor_metabox_field_enabled filter for custom fields
- IMPROVEMENT: support for inventor_metabox_field_attributes filter for custom fields
- IMPROVEMENT: geocode request over HTTPS
- IMPROVEMENT: scrolling/dragging Google Map on mobile devices
- IMPROVEMENT: listing type in notification mail template
- IMPROVEMENT: Google reCAPTCHA support in register form
- IMPROVEMENT: support for PHP 5.3
- IMPROVEMENT: icons in submission button
- IMPROVEMENT: header redesign
- TWEAK: helper function Inventor_Post_Types::is_featured_listing()
- TWEAK: helper function Inventor_Post_Types::is_reduced_listing()
- TWEAK: reordered user address fields
- TWEAK: reordered user billing fields
- TWEAK: removed redundant templates and are inherited from inventor plugin now
- TWEAK: removed superlist_before_card_box_detail WP action
- TWEAK: removed superlist_after_card_box_detail WP action
- TWEAK: used inventor_listing_actions WP action
- TWEAK: returned gap between filter fields in image/video cover
- FIX: fixed output of file and file list field types
- FIX: breadcrumb fix for taxonomy archive page
- FIX: fixed search queries graphs values
- FIX: fixed missing translation strings
- FIX: minor CSS fixes and some improvements

- New WP filters:
- inventor_filter_query_taxonomies
- inventor_metabox_field_enabled
- inventor_metabox_field_attributes
- inventor_database_session_handler_enabled
- inventor_listing_special_label
- inventor_google_map_styles

- WARNING: backward incompatible update: WP filter inventor_metabox_location_map_enabled removed prior to new filter inventor_metabox_field_enabled
- WARNING: backward incompatible update: WP filter inventor_metabox_location_polygon_enabled removed prior to new filter inventor_metabox_field_enabled
- WARNING: backward incompatible update: WP filter inventor_metabox_location_street_view_enabled removed prior to new filter inventor_metabox_field_enabled
- WARNING: backward incompatible update: WP filter inventor_metabox_location_inside_view_enabled removed prior to new filter inventor_metabox_field_enabled

Version 1.8.0
08. April 2016

- FEATURE: Spanish translation
- FEATURE: custom lexicon manager
- FEATURE: option to set custom metabox description
- FEATURE: option to set custom metabox as a listing section
- FEATURE: option to set custom field label position
- FEATURE: metabox description in submission steps
- FEATURE: support for rendering custom metabox using generic section template
- FEATURE: taxonomy field types
- FEATURE: Google reCAPTCHA support in inquire form
- FEATURE: automatic theme updates
- IMPROVEMENT: switching to child theme will not deactivate inventor plugins
- IMPROVEMENT: version in enqueue styles and scripts
- IMPROVEMENT: person in contact metabox
- IMPROVEMENT: editing existing listing redirects to same page, not to list of user listings
- IMPROVEMENT: label of submit button in the last step of submission is "Done" 
- IMPROVEMENT: default location of the map field is whole Earth
- IMPROVEMENT: animated number in boxes widget
- IMPROVEMENT: custom fields ordering
- IMPROVEMENT: custom metaboxes ordering
- IMPROVEMENT: dynamic items per row in pricing table archive page
- IMPROVEMENT: minor CSS fixes and some improvements
- TWEAK: submission system moved to own plugin inventor-submission
- TWEAK: build_hierarchical_taxonomy_select_options moved to Inventor_Utilities class
- TWEAK: listing categories, locations and colors moved from Inventor to Lexicon menu in WP admin
- TWEAK: archive-pricing_table.php moved to inventor-pricing plugin
- FIX: fixed default value of hierarchical select
- FIX: reviews now update in real-time as they are approved/unapproved or even subsequently deleted
- FIX: fixed default values of fields with options

- New WP filters:
- inventor_metabox_assigned
- inventor_metabox_title
- inventor_metabox_description
- inventor_metabox_field_id
- inventor_metabox_field_name (not each field yet)
- inventor_metabox_field_default
- inventor_metabox_field_type for location field
- inventor_metabox_location_map_enabled
- inventor_metabox_social_networks
- inventor_submission_steps
- inventor_poi_icons

- WARNING: backward incompatible update: WP filter inventor_submission_listing_metabox_allowed renamed to inventor_metabox_allowed

Update all inventor-* plugins at first and the main inventor plugin as the last one (because of submission system migration).

Version 1.7.0
29. March 2016

- FEATURE: Italian translation
- FEATURE: title and description extra column / condensed style in boxes widget
- FEATURE: action button in boxes widget
- FEATURE: option to enter number in boxes widget
- FEATURE: accordion in FAQ widget
- FEATURE: option to hide user billing details
- FEATURE: option to show featured image of listing in its gallery
- FEATURE: option to enable/disable listing banner types
- FEATURE: option to set default banner type
- IMPROVEMENT: PHP 7 support
- IMPROVEMENT: disallowed package permissions are shown in pricing table
- IMPROVEMENT: option to assign trial package to pricing table
- IMPROVEMENT: widgets padding and margins refactoring
- TWEAK: helper function for listing type name
- TWEAK: pricing table redesigned
- TWEAK: boxes widget in its own plugin
- TWEAK: max listings in pricing table
- TWEAK: widget logic options file for manual import available
- FIX: max length of any identifier is 20 characters
- FIX: hidden message in package info widget if payment page not set
- FIX: fixed missing translation strings and phrases
- FIX: new user registration notifications are send only to admin
- FIX: fixed missing category name
- FIX: fix for notifications of custom post types

Recreate your previous boxes widget.

Version 1.6.1
24. March 2016

- FEATURE: support for bitcoin
- TWEAK: stripe PHP SDK v3.11.0
- FIX: fixed quotes in slovak translation
- FIX: automatic updates fix
- FIX: date and time field representation fix
- FIX: typo fix
- FIX: text domain fix

Version 1.6.0
18. March 2016

- FEATURE listing types support for listings widget
- FEATURE after payment page redirection setting
- FEATURE phone in inquire form
- FEATURE Google Browser API Key setting
- FEATURE updated resume post type
- FEATURE Slovak translation
- IMPROVEMENT updated job post type
- IMPROVEMENT job required skills in own listing detail section
- IMPROVEMENT performance improvement (user package validation is checked every hour and when package is changed instead of at every page refresh)
- IMPROVEMENT refactored listing detail sections with option to override section title
- IMPROVEMENT taxonomies of disabled listing types are hidden from menu
- IMPROVEMENT displayed listing type in submission creation and edit and list page
- IMPROVEMENT submission works only for enabled listing post types
- IMPROVEMENT removed .po and .mo files and created .pot files
- IMPROVEMENT breadcrumb improvements
- IMPROVEMENT improved selection of location
- IMPROVEMENT location filter field supports infinite children hierarchy now
- IMPROVEMENT inventor_listing_detail_sections filter takes post type argument
- IMPROVEMENT better UX for package expiration date
- IMPROVEMENT refactored property taxonomies
- TWEAK if map has a toggle, it is open if filter is set (and wasn't closed before by user)
- TWEAK render_claim_button renamed to get_claim_button (method name convention fix)
- TWEAK inventor_jobs_experience_levels filter
- TWEAK disabled street view, inside view and polygon location fields for resume
- TWEAK PayPal SDK version 1.6.4
- FIX google map when signed in performance fix
- FIX hide empty description
- FIX payment gateway header radio button fix
- FIX fixed missing translation strings and phrases
- FIX login and registration form responsiveness fix
- FIX removed unnecessary theme support of inventor plugins
- FIX banner map zoom fix
- FIX fixed job dependency for business post type
- FIX fixed security issue when user could change his own package
- FIX rating 0 rendered as empty string fix
- FIX 0 views rendered as empty string fix
- FIX fixed prefix of statistics tables
- FIX property in supported listing post types
- FIX hidden packages from page dashboard if plugin not activated
- FIX fix of preserving child theme support for custom listing post types

New WP actions:
- inventor_listing_details_before
- inventor_listing_details_after
- inventor_submission_listing_created
- inventor_submission_listing_updated
- inventor_submission_list_row_actions

New WP filters:
- inventor_metabox_location_polygon_enabled
- inventor_metabox_location_street_view_enabled
- inventor_metabox_location_inside_view_enabled
- inventor_listing_detail_section_root_dir

Version 1.5.0
18. January 2016

- FEATURE branding logo prepends listing title in detail view
- FEATURE settings for default listing archives sorting and ordering: inventor_general_default_listing_sort, inventor_general_default_listing_order
- FEATURE total views in listing row
- FEATURE private packages
- FEATURE listing type filter field
- FEATURE listing_type_supported filter
- FEATURE jobs moved to own plugin
- IMPROVEMENT reviews performance optimization
- IMPROVEMENT reviews template refactoring
- IMPROVEMENT statistics performance optimization
- IMPROVEMENT coupons performance
- IMPROVEMENT listing_type_supported filter
- IMPROVEMENT several templates adjustments
- IMPROVEMENT better archive templates
- IMPROVEMENT opening hours in widget are hidden if not defined
- IMPROVEMENT inventor_inquire_message_sent action after inquire form submission
- IMPROVEMENT content-listing.php was split into section templates
- IMPROVEMENT small breadcrumb improvements
- IMPROVEMENT price of free packages is shown as 0 instead of empty string
- FIX multicheck and multicheck_inline fields representation fix
- FIX front end WYSIWYG saves HTML elements
- FIX fixed remove listing action
- FIX fixed gallery css in frontend submission
- FIX preserving listing comment status fix
- FIX fixed general metabox values edited by admin
- FIX registration of already existing email fix
- FIX fixed redirection after new submission if review by admin is enabled
- FIX opening hours fixes (timezone mismatch, undefined index, preserving WordPress time format and first day of week)
- FIX post type identifier has to be slug with lowercase characters
- FIX fixed missing general metabox in submission steps for listings without any metaboxes
- FIX multicheck and multicheck_inline fields representation fix
- FIX pricing table with empty rows fix
- FIX PayPal account payment execution
- FIX reviews do not conflict with the comments
- FIX reviews notice fixes

Version 1.4.2
15. December 2015

- FIX WordPress 4.4
- FIX listing detail gallery adjustments

Version 1.4.1
12. December 2015

- FIX WordPress 4.4
- FIX package valid
- FIX taxonomies archive page

Version 1.4.0
9. December 2015

- FEATURE opening hours field changed to table layout
- FEATURE listing categories third level support
- TWEAK field types refactoring
- FIX responsive
- FIX iOS infowindow close
- FIX WordPress 4.4 taxonomies
- FIX disable_post_types priority

Version 1.3.0
4. December 2015

- FEATURE custom metaboxes
- FEATURE custom listing post types
- FEATURE text_money field type
- FEATURE skip attribute for custom fields
- TWEAK number of listings in admin menu counts draft and pending posts from now too
- FIX text_money sanitation callback

Version 1.2.0
2. December 2015

- FEATURE social links for listings
- FEATURE reset password form shortcode ([inventor_reset_password])
- FEATURE packages moved to separated plugin inventor-packages
- FEATURE package metabox permissions
- FEATURE billing details in payment form
- FEATURE text_money cmb2 field for price listing field
- FEATURE using inventor_claims_allowed_listing_post_types filter
- FEATURE inquire form target at email in listing detail
- TWEAK jumping in submission steps (for existing listing)
- FIX responsive sorting options
- FIX the filter button with labels
- FIX select/deselect all on locations
- FIX responsive profile page
- FIX javascript error on listing detail page with 1 image in gallery
- FIX testimonials limit
- FIX frontend css for text_money field

- WARNING: backward incompatible update: renamed shortcode inventor_submission_payment to inventor_payment
- WARNING: backward incompatible update: renamed shortcode inventor_submission_package_info to inventor_package_info

Replace backward incompatible shortcodes in pages.

Version 1.1.0
26. November 2015

- FEATURE support for listing purchases (inventor-shop plugin)
- FEATURE option to add polygon into google map at listing detail
- FEATURE terms and conditions in payment form
- FEATURE new package type definition: simple package / one-time fee
- FEATURE listing post types admin metaboxes refactored into tabs
- FEATURE inventor_package_durations filter
- FEATURE polygon area in google map
- FEATURE WP CLI command for downloading places (inventor-google-places plugin)
- TWEAK removed show_front attribute from metabox definition
- TWEAK all page settings moved to Inventor Pages section in WP customize
- TWEAK coupon metaboxes
- TWEAK when adding metaboxes to post type it is possible to use OOP approach like this: "Inventor_Coupons::details" 
- TWEAK shortened claim button title
- TWEAK added items column in the invoice list table
- TWEAK inventor_prepare_payment filter
- FIX custom fields validations
- FIX missing image field for coupon post type
- FIX changed coupon listing prefix from coupon_ to listing_coupon
- FIX fixed payment form javascript issue when there was any form error
- FIX price metabox for food & drinks listing post type
- FIX price value validation
- FIX max listings value validation
- WARNING: backward incompatible update: renamed customization setting inventor_submission_payment_page to inventor_general_payment_page
- WARNING: backward incompatible update: renamed customization setting inventor_submission_transactions_page to inventor_general_transactions_page
- WARNING: backward incompatible update: renamed customization setting inventor_submission_terms to inventor_general_terms_and_conditions_page

Set your Payment page, Transactions page and Terms and Conditions page again in “WP admin > Appearance > Customize > Inventor Pages”!

Version 1.0.3
19. November 2015

- FEATURE custom fields
- FEATURE contact section in listing detail
- FEATURE option to automatically log user in after registration
- FEATURE claims: anonymous user redirection
- FEATURE claims: new verified flag/label and claim button design
- FIX improved packages performance
- FIX hidden unpublished listings at archive page
- FIX required attribute for listing title field
- FIX login and register form in "not-allowed" template
- FIX verified field definition moved to inventor-claims plugin
- FIX validation of positive number fields
- FIX messages template moved from theme to inventor plugin
- FIX contact metabox for event and shopping post type
- FIX video metabox for education post type
- FIX watchdog price fields notice
- FIX some minor bugfixes

Version 1.0.2
16. November 2015

- FEATURE listing categories widget show count option
- FEATURE property taxonomies moved to inventor-properties
- FEATURE possibility to set google map as a banner for listing
- FEATURE inventor_attribute_value filter
- FEATURE new admin icons
- FEATURE listing detail actions
- FIX fixed small template bug
- FIX proper display of email and URL in listing attributes
- FIX non existing plugin update fix
- FIX not allowed message update
- FIX listing categories metabox for all listing types
- FIX Firefox menu
- FIX post type registration priority

Version 1.0.1
13. November 2015

- FEATURE property listing type moved to separate plugin
- FEATURE new property fields: reference, year built, garages, parking lots, home area, lot area, lot dimensions, valuation, public facilities
- FEATURE option to hide unassigned property amenities
- FIX CSS on favorites listing page
- FIX Map hiding on mobile resolution
- FIX color combination switch
- FIX currency on front end submission
- FIX child theme customizer
- FIX pending submission notification

Version 1.0.0
11. November 2015

- Initial Release

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