OneManShop One – WordPress WooCommerce Theme For Small Personal Shops
An increasing number of small companies or one man businesses are taking place in the economical scenario. These small companies or creative people don’t need an amazon style website to sell their products online, but they just need a nice and easy to use website to offer their creations to the crowd, a website designed and studied for this purpose only. OneManShop One wants to be this solution, with its contemporary design and ease of use.
OneManShop One is a minimal and easy-to-use WordPress theme to create a small personal online shop, thanks to the supported WooCommerce plugin. Today, WordPress themes are becoming complex applications that want to be totally customizable to match as much as possible the customers needs. Most of the new themes advertise their flexibility as the possibility to create any type of website with any type of content. This flexibility is often given by the tremendous amount of options and settings that make this kind of flexibility possible, but the downside of this is an increasing complexity. To achieve a final and acceptable result the user must go through litterally hundreds of options and settings that in most of the cases are not needed at all, sometimes making the user experience a little frustrating. With this theme we have tried another way, reducing complexity by studying a specific design and solution that can be achieved naturally, without any particular effort. What you see in the preview is what you will get. The 16 theme options of OneManShop One are dedicated to the color scheme, visual style and logos setup, nothing else. Once you will have entered your contents, what you will have is the design that we’re offering to you. Simple.
OneManShop One could be the perfect solution also for your personal blog or portfolio, thanks to its flexibility and clean style.
Top features
- Reduced complexity!
- A minimal and contemporary design
- Responsive multi-platform design
- WooCommerce e-commerce plugin supported
- Only 16 theme settings!
- 2 main menu locations (Only 1 level of menu items are supported, NO drop down menus)
- Widgets ready
- 6 home page templates to display the contents that better fit your needs (photo gallery, product categories, featured products, products on sale, selected products, selected blog posts).
- Step by step video documentation to reproduce the theme preview and explore the theme functionalities!
- FREE and FAST support and answers to your questions!
Enjoy it!