Loyale is a modern, fully responsive, clean and elegant template for the Joomla! CMS. Created to help you showcase your content in a minimal and fashionable style. Perfectly suited for the restaurants, hotels or for the business websites.
Latest update – v 1.3.1 – 28/10/2016(Changelog at the bottom of this page)
Key Features:
- Joomla 3.6 Compatibile
- QuickStart installation package (Joomla! 3.6.4)
- Fully responsive layout (can be turned off with one click if needed)
- Built with HTML5 and CSS3
- Built on top of the Bootstrap Framework
- Bootstrap grid layout (12 columns support – Fluid Layout)
- Main Body left aligned or centered
- Flexible width of main body
- For all K2 lovers – matching styles for K2 component (v.2.7.1)
- Masonry Layout – displays Joomla articles in multi-column layout with optional filtering option
- Unlimited color accents – you can choose own color scheme without touching single line of code (or choose one of the 5 predefined styles)
- Fullscreen background image module and slider module
- 9 standard module positions
- 10 Flexible module positions – equal, stacked, or custom modules width
By default, modules published in flexible positions are displayed in columns, and splitted in rows, up to 4 modules per row
Additionally template supports “bootstrap size” feature, introduced in Joomla 3. You can publish up to 12 modules in row, with completly custom widths, to build any layout of modules - Support for two sidebars inside main body area (left and right)
- Custom size of sidebars
- 15 different variations for modules to help you change basic apperance of modules
- Support for “Google Web Fonts” + support for additional styles of fonts
- Google Analitycs feature
- “To top” smooth scroll
- Social icons
- Logo uploader
- Favicon uploader
- HTML5 W3C Valid
- Supported by all major browser, IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera …
- Custom error page
- Custom offline page
- PSD for Homepage included
- 3 custom modules, ST Slider, Background Image, ST Maps (NEW Google Maps module)
- Third Party Extensions:
- AllVideos plugin – you can embed any type of media, self-hosted or from third party providers like, Youtube, Vimeo, Soundcloud …. and many more …
- Simple Image Gallery plugin – turn any folder of images located inside your Joomla! website into a grid-style image gallery with lightbox previews …
- ...
Sources and Credits
- Joomla! 3 CMS
- Bootstrap Framework
- Sequence.js jQuery Plugin
- Isotope jQuery Plugin (commercial license)
- Fullscreen Background – jQuery Plugin by Gaya Kessler
- K2 Component
- AllVideos plugin
- Simple Image Gallery plugin by joomlaworks.gr
photodune.net (commercial license). Please note that the demo site images are used only in preview purpose and are not a part of the template.
v 1.3.1 - OCTOBER 28th .2016
FIXED - installation of standalone version of the template results with an error on the frontend.
MISC - updated QuickStart package - Joomla! 3.6.4 / K2 2.7.1
v 1.3.0 - SEPTEMBER 29th .2016
FIXED - Google Maps address decode functionality in our maps module
MISC - updated QuickStart package - Joomla! 3.6.2 / K2 2.7.1
v 1.2.1a - JULY 4th 2016
FIXED - issue with installation of the template (fix applies to standalone version available to install on Joomla 3.x).
v 1.2.1 - APRIL 7th 2016
FIXED - problem with rendering web fonts in the latest versions of Google Chrome.
FIXED - changes related to the latest version of the K2 component (version 2.7.X) - added support for the new lightbox plugin
MISC - installation packages (QuickStart package updated to Joomla! 3.5.1)
v 1.2.0 - DECEMBER 16th 2015
MISC - minor CSS fixes related to changes in latest versions of Joomla! CMS
MISC - updated installation packages (QuickStart package updated to Joomla! 3.4.6)
v 1.1.1 - JANUARY 14th 2015
FIXED - overflow issue at mobile view (navigation bar overflows content area)
v 1.1.0 - DECEMBER 5th 2014
ADDED - ST Google Map module
MISC - Google Analytics tracking code
MISC - changed style of the mobile menu
ADDED - copyrights and social icons are now visible below the mobile menu
ADDED - two new module positions: below-mobile-menu, above-mobile-menu
FIXED - changes to the bootstrap grid layout, 2 columns layout overflow issue on blog/frontapge layouts
FIXED - responsive style - tablet view - breakpoint changed from 980px to 979px
FIXED - modal box, preserves aspect ratio of images (mobile devices)
FIXED - small CSS changes and optimizations
ST Slider Module:
FIXED - decorative frame doesn't scale correctly in Chrome, IE, Opera
MISC - optimized interface elements at smaller screen resolutions (responsive style)
ADDED - option to disable default style of the module
MISC - small changes to the codebase
Background Image Module:
MISC - small changes to the codebase