Spectra is a fully responsive, single page theme which was created mainly for DJs and music producers. It was made using AJAX technique – now you can be sure that music won’t stop playing during page browsing. Spectra also has a built-in, premium music player which can easily cope with SoundCloud tracks or playlists. And last but not least it is amazingly flexible – you can freely rearrange the main page to make subpages appear just where you wish them to (see the demo).
Theme version: 1.2.0
- Fully responsive layout.
- Fullwidth Player.
- Flex Slider.
- 16 HTML Pages.
- Smooth CSS3 Transitions.
- Highly customizable.
- HTML5 and CSS3.
- Layered and sliced PSD Files Included.
- Full working AJAX contact form (without page refreshing).
- Well commented code.
Please Note.
Images in live preview are not included to the template. The code on the live preview is compressed and does not include code comments.
==> v.1.2.0 - Nov 28, 2016 Please note: In order to use tracks from SoundCloud, you have to register a SoundCloud app (https://soundcloud.com/you/apps) and copy the Client ID in the soundCloudClientID option. Open file: /js/custom.js and add your Client ID here (line:97); soundCloudClientID: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID_HERE' * Updated: Scripts. * Updated: Fullwidth Audio Player version V2.0.1 (Documentation: http://cc.radykal.de/fullwidthaudioplayer/doc/index.php) * Fixed: Small bugs. ==> v.1.0.1 - Oct 7, 2014 * Fixed: Twitter HASH search. * Fixed: Masonry Layout. * Fixed: Fliper perspective. * Updated: Isotope plugin version 2.0.1 * Updated: Fullwidth Audio Player version 1.6.0 ==> v1.0.0 - Oct 30, 2013 * Initial released