Insurance Agency – Business and Insurance WordPress Theme
Clean and responsive WordPress theme for insurance business, insurance agent or similar website. One page or multi page website. Premium Slider Revolution plugin and drag and drop page builder.
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New! One click theme demo setup video first minute of video there are important parts of Dashboard to edit theme
- Clean and minimal design
- Responsive and mobile friendly
- One page website and multi page website
- SLIDER REVOLUTION premium plugin ( save $18 )
- 2 PREMIUM jQuery PLUGINS – Isotope gallery and Flickity carousel that work as custom post types ( save 25$ + 25$ )
- Drag and drop PAGE BUILDER ( Unyson framework’s page builder extension)
- Shortcodes and custom post types are in plugin that is bundled with theme
- SEO friendly
- Bootstrap 3 framework
- Inner pages, page templates and blog templates, blog, widgets etc
- Options for adding individual title header background images in posts and pages
- 3 predefined color styles and style.less file for easy color change
- Options for logo, copyright, color, header background, general title header background image, add/remove sidebars etc in Customizer
- Options for page-section’s background color, top and bottom space and container/full width
- Translation ready ( po and mo files included )
- Child theme included
- Extensive HTML documentation and step by step guide how to set your website to be like theme demo
- And more
Heads up!
1. Images are not included in download.
2. No need to purchase additional license for bundled premium plugin Slider Revolution.
When you purchased theme, you got license for using it with theme.
Do you have questions?
If you have pre-sale question feel free to ask through Themeforest contact form
If you already bought theme/template, before you ask for support please read documentation that you downloaded with theme and additional information for buyers about support.
Thank you
- Rt insurance agency theme functions ( theme’s custom post types and shortcodes )
- Slider revolution ( premium, bundled with theme )
- Metaboxes ( bundled with theme )
- Class TGM plugin activation ( bundled with theme )
- Contact form 7
- Visualizer
- Breadcrumbs
- Unyson framework’s page-builder extension, modified for this Theme with custom blocks
- WP less
- Video lightbox
- Post types order
Source Sans Pro and Open Sans ( Google font )
20. December 2016. – Version 1.1.2
- Slider revolution version updated. Version StarPath (10th December 2016)
- Metabox plugin updated, version 4.9.8
- Menu on setup improved
18. October 2016. – Version 1.1.1
- Dropped support for deleted plugin Tablepress Chartist and plugin Tablepress
- Added support for plugin Visualizer (if you need it for graphic be sure to add it’s demo chart shortcode in “page sections/success and graph/right text block” if old shorcode appears there, when demo content is installed). Official page:
- Metabox plugin updated, version 4.9.6
15. August 2016. – Version 1.1.0
- Slider revolution version updated. Version 5.2.6 StarPath (28th June 2016)
- Search function improved
20. June 2016. – Version 1.0.9
- One click demo setup added and new demo setup video (link in theme description and in documentation)
- Slider revolution version updated. Version StarPath (14th June 2016)
- TGMPA plugin version updated (version 2.6.1)
12. June 2016. – Version 1.0.8
- Slider revolution version updated. Version StarPath (1st June 2016)
- Metabox plugin updated. Version 4.8.7
- menu links functionality improved
25. May 2016. – Version
- Slider revolution version updated. Version StarPath (24th May 2016)
- Metabox plugin updated. Version 4.8.6
- Rt unyson framework customizations plugin updated, version 1.0.5 (fix for Unyson updates)
17. April 2016. – Version 1.0.7
- Slider revolution version updated. Version StarPath (08th April 2016)
- Metabox plugin updated. Version 4.8.5
29. March 2016. – Version 1.0.6
- Unyson framework customization plugin version updated – version 1.0.4
- Option to choose H tag for Main headline page builder element (more SEO friendly design)
- Slider revolution version updated. Version StarPath (18th March 2016).
25. January 2016. – Version 1.0.5
- Unyson framework customization plugin version updated – version 1.0.3
- Option to choose H tag for insurance services (services-small) page builder element (more SEO friendly design)
- IMPORTANT – when update to 1.0.5 theme version, be sure to update Unyson framework customization plugin to version 1.0.3 and be sure to save again every page that uses services-small page builder element!
22. January 2016. – Version 1.0.4
- Toggle icon for mobile menu improved
15. January 2016. – Version 1.0.3
- Page builder element for insurance pages headline and icons improved
- Unyson framework customization plugin version updated – version 1.0.2
14. January 2016. – Version 1.0.2
- Option for add/remove sidebar in archive pages (option is in theme Customizer).
- 3 new page templates for blog archive posts display (one, two and three columns).
- Option in posts for adding single post and page title background (header) image. Can overwrite general title header background image set in Customizer.
- New Unyson framework customization plugin version 1.0.1 – added more description for options.
09. January 2016. – Version 1.0.1
- Slider revolution version updated. Version 5.1.6 StarPath (05th January 2016)
- new demo.xml file
Design credit:
Images are not included for download. Images are slightly transformed to fit design. Images and icons credit: Photodune, Dreamstime,