Gaea - Environmental WordPress Theme


Gaea is a powerful wordpress theme designed & developed for Non Profit, Environmental and Charity Websites and comes handy for Corporate/Business Websites as well.

Features added in v2.3 – See Change Log



Latest Testimonials



  1. Revolution Slider Jquery Plugin worth $25
  2. Bootstrap 3.x
  3. Retina Ready & Fully Responsive
  4. Full Width Calendar for Events
  5. Multiple Blog, Gallery & Events Layouts
  6. 6 Types of Gallery Pages
  7. Events Listing Page
  8. Upcoming Events Countdown Timer
  9. 12 Prebuilt Color Schemes & Unlimited Color Options
  10. Working Contact Form
  11. Boxed & Wide Layouts
  12. Isotope Galleries ($25 value)
  13. Font Awesome Web-Font Icons
  14. Google Fonts Support
  15. SEO Optimized
  16. Google Maps
  17. Touch/Swipe Support for Sliders
  18. Retina Ready & Fully Responsive
  19. Well Documented for Easy Editing
  20. Compatible With All Latest Browsers
  21. Responsive Sorting Gallery
  22. Latest Twitter Feeds Widget
  23. Instagram and Flickr Feed Updates

Don’t forget to rate our template if you love using it :)


Support is provided through our dedicated Support Forum to all verified theme buyers. Please have your purchase code handy when you register at our support forum. Here’s how to find your “Item Purchase Code.”


Twitter Bootstrap

Images from live preview are not included in the template.

Change Log

v2.3 – February 27, 2017
NEW! 5 new home page designs
FIXED! Staff page builder widget not showing staff details in popup
FIXED! Option to hide page title for inner page header at Theme Options > Header not working
FIXED! Custom color for counter text and number not working in Counter page builder widget
FIXED! Some styling issues
UPDATED! Custom widgets to support new PHP version
v2.2.2 – January 07, 2017
Security Update for PHP mail function
UPDATED! Revolution Slier to latest version
v2.2.1 – December 08, 2016
UPDATED! Slider Revolution plugin to version 5.3.1
FIXED! Event Calendar event’s link not passing correct date value
v2.2 – November 17, 2016
NEW! Demo data included for page builder
NEW! Page builder widgets for events future/past, events list and more
UPDATED! Code for PHP7.0 compatibility
UPDATED! Styling compatibility for Give Plugin
FIXED! Custom height for pages banner/header not working
FIXED! Some styling bugs
v2.1 – October 11, 2016
UPDATED! Revolution Slider demo data folder
UPDATED! Map API key support for back end event map
UPDATED! Language .pot file
UPDATED! MetaBox plugin
UPDATED! Redux Framework
FIXED! Some styling bugs
FIXED! Removed image upload limit for event slider and partner logos on homepage
v2.0 – July 15, 2016
NEW! Design options for pages/posts
NEW! Option to add Google API Key for Maps in the theme at Theme Options > Map API
UPDATED! Demo Content
UPDATED! Revolution Slider
UPDATED! Redux Framework
UPDATED! Meta Box Plugin
UPDATED! Meta Box show Hide plugin
UPDATED! Meta Box Group plugin
UPDATED! Font Awesome Icons Kit
v1.9.2 – June 07, 2016
UPDATED! Revolution Slider to latest version
UPDATED! Font Awesome icons to latest version
UPDATED! TGM Plugin Activation Class to latest version
v1.9.1 – April 27, 2016
UPDATED! Redux Framework to latest version
UPDATED! Meta box plugin to latest version
UPDATED! Revolution Slider to latest version
UPDATED! PayPal currency options for Event payment
FIXED! Time selection not working for 24 hours format
FIXED! Border bottom custom color not working
FIXED! A bug with recurring events
FIXED! Posts list widget showing current date for all posts
FIXED! Some styling bugs
v1.9 – January 22, 2016
NEW! Email options for staff posts
NEW! Redefined Theme Options
NEW! Staff single post page
  - Option to add scripts before </head> and before  at General
  - Enable pinch zoom on touch devices at Responsive
  - Option for content background, 100% content width at Layout > Content
  - Styling options for header bg, inner page header and sticky header
  - Option to upload apple icons at Logo > Favicon Options
  - Styling options for menu and mobile menu
  - Styling options for secondary bar
  - 100% footer width and other styling options
  - Option to select sidebar width and default sidebars for all pages
  - Styling icons for share buttons
  - Full set of options for blog and single post pages
  - Full set of options for staff posts
UPDATED! Font awesome icons to latest version 4.5
UPDATED! Revolution Slider to latest version
UPDATED! Style.css to remove Google font import to speed optimization
FIXED! Gallery page template share first gallery post URL instead of gallery page URL
FIXED! Banner options not working for page set as posts page at settings
FIXED! Woo commerce pages not getting banner images and sidebars
FIXED! Email field not working for Contact Form shortcake
FIXED! Some styling issues
FIXED! Line height issue with main menu when no logo image uploaded
FIXED! Issue with once page navigation page template when pages using page builder content is used
v1.8.3 – September 18, 2015
NEW! Shortcode copier added at Appearance > Shortcodes
NEW! Option to choose whether the event will be shown till start date or end date
NEW! Backend shortcode page with all shortcode code inserted so user can copy paste them
NEW! Top event counter is now linked to upcoming event
FIXED! Toggle opacity issue on future past events page
FIXED! Issue when more than map shortcode is on a single page
v1.8.2 – September 05, 2015
NEW! Option to change calendar header style
NEW! Alternative text option fields added for social sharing icons at Theme Options
NEW! Option to choose maximum event per date on calendar
NEW! Option to add text next to mobile nav icon and change its color and font
UPDATED! Revolution Slider to latest version
UPDATED! SMK Sidebar recommendation to Pojo Sidebar
FIXED! WooCommerce pages not taking the page header styles
FIXED! WooCommerce Pages not taking the sidebar selected
FIXED! Some woo commerce styling bugs
FIXED! Menu styling bugs
FIXED! Latest projects columns issue it was showing only 3 projects
FIXED! Fonts not appearing in shortcodes
FIXED! Contact form shortcode not working
FIXED! Address icon still showing on single event page when no address is there for event
FIXED! Mobile menu not working on scroll on touch devices
FIXED! Masonry blog date issue for posts
v1.8.1 – July 01, 2015
FIXED! prettyPhoto XSS Vulnerability
UPDATED! Font awesome icons to v4.3
v1.8 – May 22, 2015
 NEW! Page builder added along with 2 prebuilt homepages
NEW! Option to select sidebar position at Theme Options globally or per page/post
FIXED! Gallery slider type height issue when images are of different sizes
FIXED! Sticky header conflicting when it is disabled in theme options
FIXED! Menu getting hidden on screen resize
IMPROVED! Page load speed by minifying the css and js files and remove @import of css in style.css
UPDATED! Revolution slider plugin to latest version
UPDATED! Woo commerce templates
UPDATED! TGM plugin class to allow plugin updates from Appearance > Install plugins
v1.7.1 – April 28, 2015
XSS vulnerability Update
v1.7 – April 22, 2015
NEW! Option to disable css3 animations from whole website
NEW! Event address option to take to direction Google Map
NEW! Form builder added
NEW! Staff Categories Taxonomy added
NEW! Sticky header height option
FIXED! Share bar float issue on some pages
FIXED! Drop caps styling issue
FIXED! Category not working for events grid template
FIXED! Pagination showing for a single page of events as well
FIXED! Customizer not working
v1.6.1 – February 27, 2015
FIXED! Bug with homepage recent projects column
FIXED! Calendar not working when topper events countdown is disabled
v1.6 – February 20, 2015
NEW! One click demo install
NEW! RTL language support added
NEW! Fonts typography and styling options added at Theme Options
UPDATED! Font Awesome icons
UPDATED! Recommended plugins class which will now allow to update revolution slider and paid events plugin with in the wp dashboard
UPDATED! Revolution Slider to v4.6.5
FIXED! Mobile menu problem from init.js
FIXED! Inside pages banner image, banner color not taking custom height
FIXED! Icon lists were coming with default bullets Partner Logos on homepage can be of custom dimension now
FIXED! Shop and search widget in header wrong position while open
FIXED! Issue with single project template
FIXED! Homepage projects column meta field was not working
v1.5.1 – February 07, 2015
FIXED! Background image issue in boxed version
FIXED! Style issue in boxed version header style 3
v1.5 – February 03, 2015
NEW! Social share options for all post types
NEW! 2 New Header Styles
NEW! Option to upload Retina Logo
NEW! Latest Gallery widget with option to choose category of gallery items
UPDATE! Sidebar on single page menu page is now visible
UPDATE! Some page load enhancements
FIXED! Team widget in footer causing layout broken issue
FIXED! Some styling bugs NEW! Video embedding shortcode
v1.4 – January 8, 2015
NEW! Gallery feature extended with post format capabilities
NEW! Option in events template to list future and past events
NEW! Calendar now allow category filters and event preview options
NEW! Gallery shortcode
NEW! Banner/slider option for project
NEW! Icon box shortcake now allow links addition
NEW! Event registration as a guest
NEW! Option to change Latest Project and Clients list title on Homepage
UPDATED! jQuery Calendar plugin updated to latest version
FIXED! Registration modal box not opening after login/register
FIXED! Menu hiding on window resize
FIXED! Page title hidden on one page menu scroll
FIXED! Some small styling bugs
v1.3 – December 9, 2014
NEW! Event date will show by default if no featured image set
NEW! Option to disable upcoming event counter at header and option to put any custom text in there
FIXED! Seamless donation form style issue fixed
FIXED! Envato toolkit plugin clashing with theme options
FIXED! Bug on template home.php
NEW! Option to set links for partner logos
FIXED! Event countdown not working fixed
FIXED! Widget bottom margin for custom widgets
FIXED! style issue with the calendar
NEW! Option to choose category of post on all type of blog templates
FIXED! Passed Event not working properly
FIXED! issue with content on page templates like events, projects, gallery
v1.2 – November 27, 2014
NEW! Orderby field added for staff shortcode
NEW! Option to choose post type for homepage left column
UPDATED! calendar updated
FIXED! Events not showing which is not recurring
UPDATED! new shortcode editor given for after recent post section
FIXED! When tabs from homepage is removed container was broken
v1.1 – November 16, 2014
NEW! Event Registration Option added
FIXED! some styling bugs
v1.0 – November 7, 2014
Initial Release

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