Fundingpress - The Crowdfunding WordPress Theme

List of features:

  • Stripe, WePay and Paypal payments
  • Social Login
  • Paypal Adaptive payments
  • WPML Ready – super easy to translate!
  • Front-end forms – No more ugly backend for users!
  • No external plugins needed!
  • Custom admin panel for easy customization
  • Custom projects page with statistics for easy control over the site
  • Responsive design
  • Unlimited colours
  • Page builder with tons of blocks
  • Blog pages
  • Amazing documentation with video tutorials
  • Created with Twitter Bootstrap + CSS3 + HTML5
  • Support forum

Need help? Visit our Support Forum

I offer theme support via our support forum. If you have any problems or if you find a bug/error, please post them there. I will NOT be able to answer any questions regarding support in the comments. (

Please note: the images that can be seen in the preview images will not be included in the download. These are for preview purposes only.

Update History

Current version: 4.1.7

February 9th, 2017

- Conected mail templates from back end
- Fixed issue with media library for authors and editors

February 2nd, 2017

- Fixed issue with author roles. Use plugin if you want to hide admin bar.
- Fixed issue with double rewards on edit of drafts
- Auto addition of basic reward removed
- By user removed from taxonomy pages
- Added notifications when new project is submitted, when project is funded, when project is approved, when project is successful 
- Removed spotify from project create page
- Added option to add multiple project blocks in single page
- Fixed issue with featured projects
- Fixed issue with author images in back end

November 28th, 2016

- Fixed issue with menu going out of screen
- Instagram added to social media options
- Fixed issue with custom post types taxonomies with Blog archive title
- Added option to display all projects when no categories are selected in Projects block
- Fixed latest WooCommerce bugs

October 11th, 2016

- Fixed issue with publishing projects from back end
- Fixed author name in header

October 4th, 2016

- Responsive fixes
- Fixed issue with custom profile fields in header and side par of project page
- Added comma separator in project highlight block

September 29th, 2016

- Fixed demo importer (default permalinks and roles)
- Fixed whitespace in functions.php causing XML import to fail
- Fixed certain cases, where uploading an image with same name in the same month would overwrite the image
- Prevented a specific bug where clicking on upload an image before page is fully loaded would stop further execution of code
- Fixed incorrect cropping of images
- Fixed deletion of a project modal not responding
- Numerous bugfixes
- Image crop fix
- Youtube link shown as embed video
- Fixed responsive for all projects page

September 08th, 2016

- Fixed issue with log in modal
- Small css fix with background image

September 08th, 2016

- Full redesign of theme
- Added Stripe payment gateway
- PayPal API updated to latest version
- Added option for users to collect funds in front end
- Old pagebuilder removed, VC added
- Fixed comments issues
- Log in with ajax updated
- Fixed issue with date picker in submit project page
- Fixed issue with author photos with same name
- Added option to add images in update tab
- WPML patch added
- Fixed translation issues

March 25th, 2016

- Fixed first and last name for social users
- Fixed issue with Google fonts
- Fixed projects resizing issue. 
- Backers email now visible only for project owners
- Fixed staff picks for multiple projects from same category
- Project date field issue fixed in back end

February 27th, 2016

- Fixed cURL error with Paypal. (If you still get this error edit funding/lib/PayPal/CallerServices.php on line 175 ask your hosting provider for CURLOPT_SSLVERSION value and add it instead of CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2)
- Added option to disable Share This plugin
- Sidebar fix on submit project page
- Fixed by section in project cards
- Fixed error with draft/pending projects
- Removed emails for backers for all users except project owner
- Various css fixes

January 15th, 2016

- Fixed translation issues 
- Fixed cancel button link
- Fixed issue with profile pic in my account page
- Fixed edit reward bug

December 15th, 2015

- Fixed submit project page for old PHP versions
- Fixed PayPal redirection bug

December 8th, 2015

- Pagebuilder fix

December 2nd, 2015

- Added limit for maximum funding amount for PayPal
- Fixed website centering issue
- Added notification on top of the create project page when user doesn't have PayPal or WePay credentials
- Fixed insert via URL in story section
- Added email template in theme options for sender and thank you email
- Fixed responsive issues
- Fixed issue with project going to draft after publish
- Fixed translation strings
- Fixed issue when project 100% funded shows as unsuccessful

October 14th, 2015

- WePay API adjustment

October 9th, 2015

-Additional iOS9 patch

October 8th, 2015

- Safari parallax fix
- Latest Safari and iOS 9 patch

October 7th, 2015

- Dates adjusted
- Fixed issue with project updates
- Css adjustments

September 30th, 2015

- Fixed date issue (date format needs to be set in General WP settings, use date format from current project. Edit project in back end and check "Project settings" on the right side, there you will see date format that you need to use for existing projects.)
- Fixed issue with date and amount when editing projects
- Added publish option to edit project screen
- Updated Google+ API
- Added widget support for latest WP version
- Updated Woo deprecated functions
- Fixed image alignment on fund project page
- Removed error logs when funding project
- Added link for hover block
- Updated translation strings

August 1st, 2015

- Date format is now pulled from WP settings.

- Added WePay image in sidebar of project fund page

- Fixed WePay issue with admin commission and funding less than 5$

- Fixed issue with funding confirmation emails

- Added funding emails template in theme options

- Added RTL support

- Fixed tooltips across the theme

- Fixed calendar background and submit project page and backend

- Fixed pagination in category and archive pages

- Fixed padding above footer and in project pages

- Updated FontAwesome icons to latest version

- Added option for auto publishing of projects

- Added option to disable PP or WePay in theme options

- Fixed function that was showing 999 days in project submit page

- Fixed bug with project deletion

- Fixed max 3 projects shows when search for projects using the top search bar

- Added email verification function on project submit page

- Fixed Project categories (Widget) 

- Updated localization file

- Added pagination in search results

- Added comment system for projects

- Styled "No backers text" 

- Added image and HTML support for  'Edit your story' field

- Admin bar removed for non admin users

- Fixed rewards issue in submit project page

- Added support for Indian currency

- Added support for Russian currency

- Fixed Facebook - Invalid scopes: publish_stream errors

- It is now possible to show Facebook profile pic instead of gravatar on the author profile page

- Fixed one-click install not working on some installations.

- Fixed a PHP warning on the launch project page.

- Entering non-numeric characters into funding amount input in step one will result in white page on step 2. The theme now validates the data on frontend before submitting the form.

- Fixed issue with templates in child themes

April 12th, 2015

- WePay API adjustment

- Fixed an issue where author profile would display wrong user information or not display it at all

- Fixed an issue where author pages would display all projects (not from that author)

- Improved SSL handling - external scripts/fonts will now be loaded over HTTPS protocol if required

- Default image not working in single project page 

March 03rd, 2015

- Fixed unclosed HTML quotes

- Fixed minor localization issue in list Done 2.7

- Fixed errors during installation on some popular server configuration

- Fixed an issue where parallax block would display an empty video in some mobile browsers, even though the video background was disabled in page builder

- Disabled mouse wheel zoom in Google Map and fixed the display of Google Map native zoom controls

- Fixed translation textdomains. 
- Added Codestyling Localization compatibility
- Fixed small error reporting bug in PayPal API library

- Fixed "error occurred in Preapproval method paypal" during checkout process 

November 08th, 2014

- Added Indian Rupee
- Rewards system option in Theme options
- When selecting reward price is set into donation input field
- Localization file updated
- Default image added on project single page when project doesn't have image

October 12th, 2014

- Nigerian Naira currency added
- WP user capabilities extended

September 29th, 2014

- Funding collection in some server not working fixed
- Fixed upload image button

September 18th, 2014

- Image upload in project submition form fix

September 4th, 2014

- Twitter redirect login fixed
- Media upload in front end fixed
- Custom css fixes

August 31th, 2014

- One click install bug fixed
- "Cheating huh?!" message issue when deleting project, fixed
- Project carousel responsiveness, huge height issue fixed
- Memory leak on isotope fixed
- Calendar css on submit project page fixed

July 19th, 2014

- Version 2 out!
- Major restyling
- Added WePay integration
- Added social login
- Re-coded page builder blocks
- Added new page builder blocks 
- New carousel block
- Added Parallax blocks
- CSS and Code fixes
- One click demo data install
- New upgraded instruction file

December 8th, 2013

- CSS fixes
- Translation file updated
- Page builder blog block added
- Safari project block fix
- Funding project code optimized

November 14th, 2013

- CSS fix

November 8th, 2013

- Permissions fix
- CSS fix

November 3rd, 2013

- CSS fixes
- Money format function implemented for windows servers
- Pear implemented for all servers and versions

November 3rd, 2013

- Update field code bug fixed
- Projects saved as drafts now visible in my projects area (project status added)
- CSS bugs
- Added twitter and facebook social login
- Fixed WP Better security issue
- Added shortcode block in page builder
- .po file updated
- Updated layer slider to latest version
- CKEditor bug fixed

October 6th, 2013

- Database tables prefix fix
- Pagebuilder upgrade
- Backers bug fix
- Paypal email first entry error fix
- CSS tweaks
- CKeditor implemented

October 6th, 2013

- Translation ready.

August 16th, 2013

- Layerslider updated for WP 3.6 - please delete the old Layerslider plugin
- Added commas and dots in money format
- New Paypal adaptive
- Fixed white screen in Mozilla when funding
- PEAR integrated into theme
- CSS fixes
- Typo fixes
- Paypal credentials override after new user register fix
- sanbox demo account to test demo version of the theme
- Upload image fix for WP version 3.6

April 15th, 2013

- Version 2.0
- Implemented PayPal adaptive payments
- Multicurrency support
- CSS fixes

April 6th, 2013

- Replaced the word pledged with target

April 5th, 2013

 - Initial release 

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