[Nulled Theme] Aphrodite — Royal Website Style

About Aphrodite:

Aphrodite is a website for premium products and services. Gold textures and colors on the black background will help you to create a royal atmosphere for your brand. The original smooth animations created by a professional will surprise your customers and help you achieve loyalty from the first seconds on the site. Aphrodite is royal colors, noble grid, aristocratic typography, premium design elements, and high-class shop, gallery, blog, business multisite and landing page.

Clean Code

PHP, HTML, CSS, JS. Clean stable and very fast code withstands heavy server traffic without breaking database.

Visual Editor

The most powerful and fast Visual Editor that you’ve ever seen can edit every single element including footer and header!

SEO Optimisation

Special fields for images, meta tags, heading structure, comments, breadcrumbs etc will increase your SEO productivity!

Advanced Responsive Design

Tons of settings for different devices allows you to set up beautiful and complex layout even for mobile phones.

Translation Ready

Generated .pot translation file will help you to translate final website for any languages for FREE

SMM features

Custom meta tags and sharing elements provide your user sharp experience. + Custom Twitter, Instagram, Facebook widgets.

Hackers and Bots protection

Additional hackers and bots protection for login fields and some HTML requests guarantee minimum bad influence from attackers.

Advanced Statistic

Theme provides advanced statistic tracking of comments, sharings, page views etc. You can display that info in your layout.

Over 50 Shortcodes

Over 50 modern stylized and ready to use shortcodes allow you to develop creative and well-styled layout in minutes.

Over 600+ Google Fonts

Use any font for any heading but remember that many fonts slow down your website!

One Click Demo Installation

Install demo files (pages/posts/shop products/widgets) by one click, then you can customize it with your content.

Loading Less Than 1 Second

Super fast loading speed (less than 1 second) improves SEO, user activity, server performance and saves your money.

E-Commerce Ready

This theme is WooCommerce ready so you can sell your products/services for the large audience.

SSL Ready

Theme not conflicts with new SSL Google Requirements (https — secure protocol necessary for SEO).

Unlimited Headers and Footers

You can create separate header or footer for each page with super powerful custom Visual Editor.

Change Log:

v2.0.4 (18 Jan 2016)
- Initial Release

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