Remal - Responsive WordPress Blog Theme

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Theme Features

  • Responsive layout .
  • Isotope Masonry Grid ($25 – js plugin)
  • RTL Full Support .
  • 15 color schemes to style the post individually
  • Post Format Support (Image, Aside, Galleries, Standard, Quote, Link, Audio, Video)
  • HTML5 and CSS3 tableless design .
  • Custom 404 page .
  • Unlimited Colors .
  • Many jQuery effects inside .
  • Optional Posts filter by Categories in homepage (only for loaded posts)
  • HomePage with 4 different styles .
  • Unbranded Powerful Administration Panel .
  • Support Multiple page post .
  • Theme Update Notifier .
  • 500+ Google Web Fonts. (Change elements fonts in the theme settings)
  • Multi level drop-down menu .
  • Localization Support (Easy to translate) .
  • Social media users profiles Support .
  • Unlimited sidebar. Create and select sidebar for each of your page/ post .
  • Optional Breadcrumb Navigation .
  • Built-in Related Posts Module ( By category , tag or Author ).
  • Social media icons .
  • Pagination Integrated .
  • Easily adding Google analytics .
  • Logo Uploader .
  • Login Logo Uploader .
  • Favicon Uploader .
  • Custom Gravatar Uploader .
  • Background Uploader .
  • Full Screen background Option .
  • 23 Pre-Defined Background Patterns .
  • Social Share for Posts .
  • Social Link on Header and Footer .
  • WordPress 3.0 Custom Menu Support .
  • Option to Exclude pages or specific Categories from Search results .
  • Live jQuery Adding Comment validation .
  • Import / Export Settings .
  • Works in all major browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome
  • Page / Post Layouts .
  • Page / Post Formats .
  • Optional 728×90 Leaderboard Banner support
  • 6 Footer Layouts
  • 8 Page Templates :
  • 28 Custom Widgets
    • Twitter Feed Widget
    • Flickr Feed Widget
    • Facebook like box
    • Google + follow box
    • FeedBurner email newsletter widget
    • Featured Video Widget ( Embed code , Youtube , Viemo )
    • Tabbed Widget (Most Popular, Recent, comments, tags)
    • Recent Comments with avatar
    • posts list with thumbnail option widget (Recent/popular/Random)
    • Category Posts Widget
    • News in Pictures (Recent/Random)
    • About post author widget with social links
    • posts by author widget
    • Custom Text/HTML (with transparent background and center content options)
    • Social Icons Widget
    • Search Widget
    • Custom Author Bio
    • Social Counter
    • Login Widget
    • Advertisement Widgets
      • 120×60 Ad Widget (blocks of ten)
      • 120×90 Ad Widget (blocks of ten)
      • 120×600 Ad Widget (blocks of two)
      • 120×240 Ad Widget (blocks of four)
      • 125×125 Ad Widget (blocks of ten)
      • 300×100 Ad Widget (blocks of four)
      • 160×600 Ad Widget
      • 250×250 Ad Widget
      • 300×250 Ad Widget
  • 30+ Shortcodes
    • Buttons
    • Boxes
    • Twitter
    • Flickr
    • Feed shortcode
    • Google maps
    • Highlight text
    • Checklist
    • starlist
    • facebook like button
    • Tweet button
    • Digg button
    • stumble button
    • pinterest Button
    • G+ Button
    • twitter follow button
    • feedburner counter
    • Youtube / viemo Video
    • Audio Player
    • Toggled Content
    • Author Bio
    • Columns
    • Tabs
    • Dropcap
    • Tooltip
    • Divider
    • ADS Shortcodes
    • Shortcodes for logged in users and guests
    • LightBox
  • Theme comes with a detailed documentation.


Version 2.4.7 - 10-08-2016
- Improved: SSL Compatibility.
- And other improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 2.4.6 - 25-05-2016
- Updated: The theme is now WordPress 4.5 ready.
- Improved: Facebook counter.
- Improved: Theme widgets code.
- And Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 2.4.5 - 02-08-2015
- Improved: Facebook counter.

Version 2.4.4 - 30-06-2015
- Updated: Youtube API 3.0 - Now you need to get API Key ... check the Documentation for more information.
- Updated: The theme?s Documentations.
- Updated: prettyPhoto LightBox Library to version 3.1.6.
- Fixed: Login widget bug for subdirectories installation.

Version 2.4.3 - 04-05-2015
- Updated: Facebook API 2.0 - Now you need to get app access token, check the Documentation for more information.
- Updated: The theme?s Documentations.
- Updated: New WordPress title function.
- Fixed: Audio Player styling bug.
- Fixed: SoundCloud custom color bug.
- Fixed: Some PHP warnings messages.
- Fixed: ToolTip shortcode bug.
- And Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 2.4.2 - 06-09-2014
- Fixed: minor bug in the theme panel with WordPress 4.0 .

Version 2.4.1 - 20-07-2014
- Fixed: Pagination bug in blog list page template.
- And other improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 2.4.0 - 10-07-2014
- NEW FEATURE: Facebook Like and tweet buttons on the lightbox. 
- NEW FEATURE: Supports breadcrumbs rich snippets .
- Improved: Theme updates notifier cache.
- Improved: Images lightbox on Mobiles.
- Fixed: Images lightbox titles bug for loaded posts via the Infinite Scroll module .
- Fixed: Grid ads bug.
- Fixed: Pagination bug in blog list page template.
- Fixed: Tabs shortcode bug.
- Fixed: Dropcap and Highlight shortcodes in excerpts .
- And other improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 2.3.1 - 31-10-2013
- Fixed: Widgets page load bug .
- Fixed: Images lightbox titles bug for loaded posts via load more button .

Version 2.3.0 - 21-10-2013
- NEW FEATURE: Infinite Scroll option (beta).
- NEW FEATURE: Supports Youtube channels in the social counter widget.
- Improved: Twitter counter and Twitter widget.
- Improved: Columns shortcode now responsive.
- Improved: Video Shortcode available again.
- Fixed: Timeline page template bug.
- Fixed: number_format warnings bug.
- Fixed: Google Plus widget bug on RTL sites.
- Fixed: Empty Background styling option bug.
- Fixed: Vertical tabs shortcode height bug.
- And other improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 2.2.0 - 06-08-2013
- Fully Supports New Wordpress 3.6 .
- NEW FEATURE: Self Hosted Videos ( For WP 3.6 only )
- Improved: Colored Posts styles .
- Improved: Post views number format.
- Fixed: Delete Homepage builder items and custom slides icon.
- And other improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 2.1.1 - 23-07-2013
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 2.1.0 - 16-07-2013
- Improved: RTL Styling issues.
- Improved: Twitter Counter function.
- Improved: Vertical tabs shortcode height.
- Improved: Theme Performance and Speed by caching the Social counters for 20 minutes .
- Improved: theme updates notifier cache .
- Improved: All Twitter API Error messages moved to the backend .
- Improved : Timeline Template page.
- Fixed: Google Plus widget on RTL version.
- Fixed: Conflict with wordpress related posts plugins.
- And other improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 2.0.0 - 20-06-2013
- NEW FEATURE: New Mini share icons in the homepage and archives .
- NEW FEATURE: New Modern style social counter icons .
- NEW FEATURE: Supports Shortcodes in banner areas .
- NEW FEATURE: Option to hide Rss icon .
- NEW FEATURE: Option to hide Search in the header .
- NEW FEATURE: Option to hide Social icons in the header .
- NEW FEATURE: Option to open social counter links in new window/tab .
- NEW FEATURE: Option to use the normal pagination style in the GRID layout .
- NEW FEATURE: Option to disable theme gallery to use Jetpack Tiled Galleries .
- NEW FEATURE: Youtube Subscribers counter.
- NEW FEATURE: Vimeo Subscribers counter.
- NEW FEATURE: Dribble Subscribers counter.
- NEW FEATURE: Typography Option for the posts title in the Grid layout  .
- NEW FEATURE: Typography Option for Blocks Titles .
- NEW FEATURE: Ability to use Check-list and Star-List shortcodes outside posts  .
- NEW FEATURE: Multiple Images selection for galleries post format .
- NEW FEATURE: Highlight Parent menu item of current browsing page .
- Improved: Facebook and Social widgets to avoid any conflict with plugins .
- Improved: Load-more Button .
- Improved: Facebook Social counter .
- Improved: Reset Settings function .
- Improved: Save Settings function .
- Improved: wp_title() function .
- Improved: Load more and paginations style .
- Improved: Lightbox on small devices .
- Improved: RTL Version .
- Updated: Theme functions to use Twitter Api 1.1 .
- Updated: Theme documentations .
- Fixed: Next/Prev Post arrows icons .
- Fixed: Register link in login widget .
- Fixed: Single Post Title and Page Title typography option bug .
- Fixed: Button shortcode bug .
- Fixed: Timeline page comments bug .
- Fixed: Author widget bug .
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 1.6.0 - 11-01-2013
- Added : Next/prev to lightbox for [gallery] shortcode .
- Added : supports videos in video post format .
- Added : supports videos in [video] shortcode .
- Added : supports dailymotion videos in video post format .
- Added : supports dailymotion videos in [video] shortcode .
- Added : More styling Options .
- Improved : [Audio] shortcode Styling .
- Improved : Videos width and height ratio .
- Fixed : Twitter API issue .
- Fixed : Reset settings bug .

Version 1.5.0 - 26-12-2012
- Added : Fully RTL Support .
- Added : Option to Hide the Featured Image from standard post format single page  .
- Added : New ADV space area between posts .
- Added : Option to Disable the theme Responsiveness .
- Added : [lightbox] shortcode .
- Improved : Footer widgets without Titles .
- Improved : Video widget in Footer .
- Improved : SEO issues .
- Improved : performance and speed of the theme .
- Fixed : Typography bug with some fonts .
- Fixed : Author Feed URL bug .

Version 1.4.1 - 09-12-2012
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 1.4.0 - 06-12-2012
- Added : Light Box For wordpress gallery shortcode .
- Added : Pinterest Style for widgets in responsive action .
- Added : More Typography Options . 
- Improved : Videos layout .
- Improved : Audio Player design .
- Fixed : Responsive issues .
- Fixed : posts gallery issue .

Version 1.3.2 - 17-11-2012
- Minor bug fixes .

Version 1.3.1 - 13-11-2012
- Added : More Styling Options .
- Improved : RTL Issues .
- Improved : Responsive issues .
- Fixed : Typography settings for widgets titles .

Version 1.3.0 - 01-11-2012
- Fixed: All known bugs .

Version 1.2.1 - 29-10-2012
- Updated : Isotope to v1.5.21 .
- Fixed: All known bugs .

Version 1.2.0 - 22-10-2012
- Added : Option to hide post meta from homepage .
- Added : Option to exclude categories from homepage .
- Added : optional Posts filter by Categories in homepage (only for loaded posts)  .
- Added : Image poster above audio player .
- Added : Custom css fields to make changes depend on the device .
- Added : More Styling Options .
- Improved : Galleries style .
- Improved : Reset settings button .
- Improved : Og:image to get video image from youtube / vimeo if the post hasn't a featured image .
- Fixed : 404 page message style bug .
- Fixed : Twitter Counter bug
- Fixed : category feed url .

Version 1.1.0 - 05-10-2012
- Fixed : responsive issues
- Fixed : Minor Issues

Version 1.0.0
- First release

Premium WordPress Themes

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